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What exactly is a grail anyway????

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What exactly is a grail anyway????
I was not expressing my own opinions (although being a Christian, I can see how the use would bother someone)), I was just trying to include and think about how other people feel about the term/phrase. I know when I first joined and I told my friends about my grails and what they were, they were offended, and from then on, I did not use the term.

But when I hear about the Holy Grail, I, like starry_solo, think of Indiana Jones.
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I was not expressing my own opinions, I was just trying to include and think about how other people feel about the term/phrase. I know when I first joined and I told my friends about my grails and what they were, they were offended, and from then on, I did not use the term.

But when I hear about the Holy Grail, I, like starry_solo, think of Indiana Jones.

And I for one personally appreciate you relaying that discomfort your friends had here. Who knows, there could be many members who share those feelings yet were not able to speak up about it! :)
I didn't like the usage of it at first because I am religious but after time I just got over it.
I feel that are certain pins in the trading community that are considered general "grail" pins. Due to w/t ratios. They also tend to be pins that fetch a very high price when they appear for auction.

But I also feel that there is a difference between pins that everyone would love to have and pins that people are looking for for their personal collections.

I can look at people's signatures and see pins that I already own, that weren't hard to get for me, but I know would mean a lot to that person. Those are the pins they consider a grail. Those are the pins that would make their day if someone was to trade them or give them to said person. Same with some of the pins I consider a grail. How many of you would care if you got the boxed Bambi set in my signature? not many, but to me, it would be a huge deal. Most grails are subjective.

But, I do agree that having everyone and their mom putting up things that say "grail for sale" is annoying as all get out.
Wow this is a hard question for me. I put on my signature My Most Wanted instead of Grails because actually all my pins are my most wanted, just can only fit a certain number so I put the pins that I need to complete my collections first them switch them out once I get them.

But if I were to use Grail it would be for me the pins that are really hard for me to get and that I can't afford. That pin is the Rapunzel and Flynn in Chair.
whoa, the thread went a diff directions for a little while there that I had not anticipated. Thank you to everyone for keeping a cool calm head for that little religious discussion. I truly appriciate it.

Everyone has a different idea of what a grail is, and that totally fine.

Let me restate what my origial "annoyance" was about.... USING the term "grail" in a title for a pin you are trading selling or auctioning. NOT in reference to a personal grail, but to imply that the pin you are offering IS a grail, when in fact, it really is not. That is my cranky nails on chalk board annoyance. :)

This thread seems to have runs it's course. It can stay open but doesnt need to anymore.
My Grails are simply the pins that I want more than any other pins on my Wants list. My top Grail (Jessica as Alice) ticks all of the boxes in regards to it being HTF, expensive, low LE, etc, but that just is what it is. I wouldn't want it any less if it was just a core pin.
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Intriguing thread. What is a grail? To everyone, it does mean something a little different, so there really isn't a set definition to us all. To me, a grail would be a nearly unobtainable pin, one that you would really like, but cannot find, meaning there is no one trading it or selling it. A pin with 0 trading and a large amount wanting is my personal impression of a grail. Something you have sought long and hard and have come up empty. Yes, I agree that the term is overused, seemingly to apply to anything you have to pay a lot for or that there are a lot of people lookng for, but this is not a grail, it is merely a high-demand/low-supply item and that's the free-market system.
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