where the heck has that stupid docfish been?
Sir David, Grail Slayer Knight
Hi everybody :wavey:
First I want to thank everybody who has contacted me and shown some concern for where I have been lately. It is always great to feel the love from our family here!!!
We are alive and well. I hate it when it happens (it seems to happen a lot in August) when life gets in the way of what we enjoy. So here is a quick break down of what has been happening around us. Work has been crazy again this summer. It is two summers in a row now that we have been so freakin busy. Since I am the shop supervisor it is my job to make sure everything goes out in great condition and on time. Lots of overtime. I have also been having some health issues that turns out it is mostly because I am fat as well as some arm issues, but nothing major fortunately. If you are young and have a few extra pounds, do yourself a huge favor and loose them while you are young. It gets so much harder the older you get. Also and for us most upsetting, we had to put down our 9 year old boxer. He had a cancerous tumor. As a result of the medical bills for our boxer and some other unexpected bills it does not look like we will be going to Jersey this October for the pin event there. This is a major bummer, but again life sometimes gets in the way.
So this has been our summer and life has gotten in the way a lot this year. But it is now September and time to start getting back in the swing of things. I hope to be around a lot more again!!! I do know in the next week or two a bunch of the people on the never been zapped list will no longer be able to say that. Also later today I will be sending out RAK notices for September. The "victim" will be the one that should have received it last month and boy let me tell you I am excited about this one!!!
I am sorry I have not been around much this summer, but it is an amazing feeling to know that I have been missed!!!
Thank you again to everybody here!!! I have missed my DPF family.