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ZAPPED! WOW! Grail zap!!!!

ZAPPED! WOW! Grail zap!!!!


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Brunssum (Netherlands)
A week ago, David (docfish2u) asked me how I was feeling and about my health. He asked me my address to send me something special, I was very excited and very thankful he wanted to chear me up, but didn't expect this....

He sent me one of my grails and I was screaming through the house, my mom thought I was getting crazy, LOL.

So here she is:
Pin 9802: Disney Auctions - Valentine's Day 2002 (Belle and The Beast)

Thanks to Merryweather for the link! :D

Thank you so much David!:hug: You made my whole year, and this special 'owie' will get a nice place on my board and in my heart <3 thank you! Xx
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Wow, what a fantastic pin! And such a wonderful gesture!! (Not to mention the crazy Trades/Wants!!)

Glad you're on the mend Rachel, all the best

Ha! A sure shot way to lift your spirits. How wonderful of him :) Congrats Rachel, I hope you feel better - well, you should after this zap :lol:

I am posting the link for you, so you can copy it into your OP.

Wow... That's a beautiful pin Rachel! You deserve it, you are a sweetheart! David is so awesome! That was very thoughtful of him! :hug:

It is called an owie present. You have always been so nice to me and and such a great member here so when I heard you were having medical issues I wanted to do something special for you. Just to let you know you have people all around the world sending nice thoughts your way. You are a special person and trader and I hope you feel appreciated because you are!!!

I hope you get better very quickly!!!

Just to let you know you have people all around the world sending nice thoughts your way. You are a special person and trader and I hope you feel appreciated because you are!!!
This couldn't have been said any better! Congrats to Rachel and a well deserved atta boy to David!
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Awww thanks for all the nice comments:hug:

I'm at home since Friday and doing a little bit better each day :)
Hope the new medication will do it's work and I will feel much better soon.

Thanks again all and thanks David, I so appreciate your thoughts :)