People lined up at the Soda Fountain already for tomorrows wristband release

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Hmmm... Sleeping in an alley on a windy cold night... Waking to a grumpy crowd to get a wristband in the morning to allow you to come back the following morning to wait in line again for hours to not miss the voucher and if you survive that you get to spend your hard earned money to buy some Cheshire Cat pins... See you there... LOL...

Wait.... why is DSF dragging this out so long? The things they do... :lol:

But that was in the summer... Us Goons don't like the cold...

Cold?? COLD!?!? Don't talk to me about cold!!!!

I think I should go down to DSF right now and start selling blankets, hot chocolate, tea, and coffee to those waiting in line. Hmmmm.....

Nononono, you *rent* there's more money in renting. Well, don't rent the digestibles. That's just gross.

Cold wind really kicking up. Nearly 90 bundled up crazy people trying to keep warm.

It's 61! It IS warm!! Actually, that's what I have my thermostat set to! :lol:
El Capitan upcoming movie releases (with corresponding pins):
Nov 2 - Wreck it Ralph
Dec 19 - Monsters Inc in 3D
starting Jan 7 2013 Disney Movie Classics - 4 films released over the next ~8 weeks
(3 mentioned were: Lady and the Tramp, Mulan and Peter Pan - not cast in stone)
Mar 8 Oz, the Great and Powerful

There will be pins for Iron Man 3 and they are considering doing some kind of special event associated with the movie (Pin Trading Event???, Iron Man Movie Marathon???)

DSF handed out the December flyer to the people in the 1pm line...

Sat Dec 1 - Snow Globes
Roger & Jessica, Lady & Tramp, Jack & Sally, Wall-E & Eve - all LE 300 and $14.95
Sat Dec 8 - New Years
Baby New Year Stitch, Old Man Mad Hatter - all LE 300 and $12.95
Wed Dec 19 - Monsters Inc in 3D
Boo's Door, Mike and Sully and Boo "Most Wanted" Poster - LE 300 and $12.95
Boo in Monster Costume, Celia, Roz - LE 300 and $10.95
Marquee with Sully and Boo - LE 500 and $14.95
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thanks for that info theothersteve. looks like Im set for no more pins as DSF for the remainder of the year XD except for any surprise releases or PTD pins XD
Soooooooooo glad that I'm not doing any releases. Was planning on pick up a pin for someone but I kinda wanna avoid the crowds there tomorrow morning.
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DSF handed out the December flyer to the people in the 1pm line...

Sat Dec 1 - Snow Globes
Roger & Jessica, Lady & Tramp, Jack & Sally, Wall-E & Eve - all LE 300 and $14.95
Sat Dec 8 - New Years
Baby New Year Stitch, Old Man Mad Hatter - all LE 300 and $12.95
Wed Dec 19 - Monsters Inc in 3D
Boo's Door, Mike and Sully and Boo "Most Wanted" Poster - LE 300 and $12.95
Boo in Monster Costume, Celia, Roz - LE 300 and $10.95
Marquee with Sully and Boo - LE 500 and $14.95

Sat Dec 8 - New Years
Baby New Year Stitch, Old Man Mad Hatter - all LE 300 and $12.95

Baby New Year Stitch

Oh my god! I know this might be slightly off-topic and a bit premature, but I don't even know what that looks like but I desperately need that pin! If my hopes don't deceive me, I'm imagining Stitch in a diaper with a pacifier. If anyone is even thinking about attending that one, please let me know.

Back on topic, are all the wristbands for this event gone yet?
Oh my god! I know this might be slightly off-topic and a bit premature, but I don't even know what that looks like but I desperately need that pin! If my hopes don't deceive me, I'm imagining Stitch in a diaper with a pacifier. If anyone is even thinking about attending that one, please let me know.

He is in a diaper, but blowing a horn/noise maker celebrating the New Year. :)
starting Jan 7 2013 Disney Movie Classics - 4 films released over the next ~8 weeks
(3 mentioned were: Lady and the Tramp, Mulan and Peter Pan - not cast in stone)

Mulan?! Is there going to be a marquee for that?! I want! :)
i think its rude calling soda fountain out on facebook and accusing them of false advertisement, I am sorry but their is humans working for us to make us happy and smile. I would hate for pin trading to stop because people do not know how to behave. Please go to boarding school if you are no willing to cooperate. Lets have class people.

xoxo, Prince Eric.
Well, it looks like I am safe for the rest of the year (after the wreck it ralph pins come out) with DSF. That is good news. After the designer villains pins, I did enough damage to my pin mad money. I just hope DLRP does not have anything too tempting for the rest of the year as well.
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