Beware of kittycabot23!
If most of you dont know us, were Bob & Cat. We've been quiet on the pin front for a while because we've been trying to save money for a house and other things. So we wake up on saturday morning to see our phone getting blown up by "ejangabang" , "dalakersrnumba1" and "chipdale123" trying to let us know that there was Tangled BT surprise release! Our hearts sunk immediately thinking "darn! were gonna be too late!"
We were already packing our "good book" to trade for the pin because Cat is a tangled Completist. So... we make our way to DSF and once we arrive we begin to look for people to trade with. BUT, everyone seems to be wanting an arm and a leg!!
Tangled BT for our Tangled Marquee?? REALLY?? hahaha
anyway, after talking to a few more people, we began to see that maybe the only way to get this pin would be to buy off we relax and just start to catch up with a bunch of old pin friends..
and BAM!!! Kittycabot (vicky) and her Mom surprises us with the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us in our time in pin trading. She gives us the Tangled BT and the Rapunzel Pin event pin!!! needless to say we were absolutely
So please be aware of this user

Thanks Vicky!! we cant begin to express our appreciation to you and your Mom for your selflessness. Thanks to you, were still current with Cat's Tangled pins

Bob & Cat