Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
I am shocked, in part. I thought she would sell out "fast" but by "fast" I thought a week! I'm so glad I didn't hesitate.
I am thinking if a store already has an Ursula, if that is true, she may come before Eric. It seems strange that they would have her so soon ahead of the pick-up date.
I've read reports stating that too. It doesn't really make that much sense to me at all. Even if it was a (God forbid) skinny Ursula, those are still some big boxes and they take up a lot of storage space, no matter if they are or aren't in the shipping boxes. 2 months of just sitting there and collecting dust, and then with all their other shipments and set changes, unless they have a HUGE stock room, it just seems like they would be too much in the way.
But more importantly, I am doubting that they really are in stockrooms because...where be my d**n leaked pics?
I dunno, all I care about is Ursula and whether she is Ursula, "Vanessa", or..."Anorexula".