Designer Couples at Disney Store Now!
Lamorak - More than likely is has to do with Disney not wanting to devote the resources to it. The could set up an elaborate line with security, but that takes up space and personnel, not to mention more personnel making sure people were not cutting through other areas. Disney has been doing pins long enough they know the frenzy it creates and they have worked to solve is as DSF, but on release days that is basically all DSF has going on, so they can take the extra time. It probably came down to the decision, deal with one crazy mob of people and get it done in a frenzy, or devote extra hours of space and personnel to it. In the end Disney sold out on everything they had and didn't have to spend anymore money on personnel. They know for previous experience that no matter how mad everyone is, they will be back and will make sure the next one is a sell out as well. They don't care who is buying them, all they see is that they sold every piece. Until that stops (which it won't) or someone gets seriously injured, Disney has no reason to change anything.