Status is closed on mine as well. Sigh. I just wanted two of the pins, the rest I was going to give to people.
After the lines at the expo and not getting a set there either and dealing with all the foul attitudes, I have such a sour taste in my mouth. 
congrats though to anyone who was able to snag one online!
First of all Echo, I'm not trying to be super mean here or attack you. In the end, we both know none of it mattered in the end anyways...But perhaps you got attitude because you blatently admitted to coming after others and cutting in line.
I asked you point blank if you came after me, you replied "Yes" and yet you still sat in front of me. Attitude justified in my book. Perhaps you aren't referring to me in the quote above but I was not happy with you. What did you get in the end? Maybe 10 spots in line closer? Fine if you want to sit with your friends that brought you a chair, but when the line moves, you get in the spot where you should have been. I'm sure I'll get some infraciton or whatever, but don't come on here and play this "woe is me" crap when you fully know and admitted to cutting. I've read 2 or 3 of your posts already about the attitudes people gave you in line. If you cut and admit it, expect some fingers and glares pointed your way. I was still nice, I shared my peach rings. It's not like I going to go and hate on you, but just know why those people maybe are.
I came before you, I did not get a set either (regardless of whatever rumors are saying.) We did exactly what Nathan asked us to do. (Nathan, aka wolverine (his walkie-talkie code name,) aka Disney security, not Nathan95 on here FYI.) We did single file, we did our best to keep in order but then they dropped the ropes and all hell broke lose. I'm a big guy, 6'3" 240lbs, and I was getting pushed over. I wore a backpack and people seemed more likely to push on me because it was a backpack and not an actual body. It was impossible to try to maintain any order. Nasty people telling their friends to cut and when you call them out they snap at you with vile faces and anger. I was accused of elbowing a girl in the chest on purpose. Why would I do that? Honestly people? I threw my arms out to the security guards like "Come on, do something" but I never made physical contact with person intentionaly to hold them back or whatever. I did not push, I did not cut. When we the ropes dropped the guards kept telling people to stop shoving. He actually started hand picking people who were not shoving to go. That is how I ended up going from about #50 in the overnight line to about #20 in the next single file line inside. But none of it mattered.
It didn't matter anyways, in the end almost none of the first 50 people got pins. 1 person hid pins in her bag and handed them to her friends, so those in that first 50-ish group that did get pins were handed them other than eyhanddisney who got one from her sorcere buddy. I know of a least 4 people that were behind me in the morning that got sets. I don't blame the person that put the sets in her bag. Kill or be killed in the animal world. I was within 5 spots of the store entrance when they announced no more pins. I was so frustration I just left and went to WDI instead. Turns out if I had stayed literaly 5 more minutes I would have got one of her sets in her bag. Hindsight is 20/20. The blame is on Disney and their security. The security lady manning the line when they dropped the rope actually got snippy with a pin trader when we tried to warn her what was about to happen and about the cutting.
The D23 security person actually said "This is an expo, not some pin release. If your friends are here or there, you can join them in line. There is no such thing as cutting at an expo." We tried to plead with her and tell her that everyone had a $1000 vested interest to get these pins because they cost $200 and sell for $1200. Not because we all want to sell them, but because if we want them and we don't get them that is how much extra they will cost us.
People on here really would benefit from coming and seeing the actions of some of the DPF members. We aren't allowed to say what really happens and point out who exactly did what or fear infractions. If your name calling or being mean that's one thing, but if you're just telling the truth about the way it went down then that should be allowed. I'm gonna start wearing a GoPro camera to releases and post the video online for a live point of view. Wish I had the data on my phone to stream it. At 12am-3am, people can get ugly, and not their looks. Holding spots, lying about it, bullying people that try to keep the order.