Re-opening - selling/splitting full frames - a couple left now.

Can I please be on the list for the Timon Luau pin if the set doesn't sell?

Absolutely! :)

How much is international shipping interested in any tinker bells you have left the 'I' with Ariel in and price for full ariel and Eric frame :)

I don't typically do international shipping b/c I so rarely go out to the end of town the post office is on. I am willing to price them out for you if you would like but I would just have to let you know ahead of time that the shipping may be slow since I don't know when I will make it over there. :) Let me know your thoughts.
is there a combined or discounted price if the entire frame set is bought and not broken down? i.e. how much is the Princess letter frame set complete and not broken up? and the where dreams come true set?
is there a combined or discounted price if the entire frame set is bought and not broken down? i.e. how much is the Princess letter frame set complete and not broken up? and the where dreams come true set?

I do try to discount if the whole frame is purchased. I have several people messaging about buying the full princess frame and I think it is now sold - just pending payment.

The Where Dreams Come True I would discount as well - I would be willing to sell the full frame of that for $200 plus shipping as it is pretty large.

I would like to know the price on the dreams set too - it breaks my heart to see a set broken up!

See above for price. :)

if you can also give me a price on the decade of dreams...

I am not sure if I would sell this one as a full frame as i wanted to keep the frame and matting for that one. If I were to sell it as a full frame though I would sell it for $230 (would be $332 if bought individually).
The princess letters frame is pending until Friday. I will update asap on that one. :) Thanks for all of the interest.
just saw above message, thanks - can you let me know dimensions on both so I can look on ups to get an idea of how much shipping would be for them? thank you!
Do you still have Pin 26180: A Decade of Dreams Framed Set (Lady - A Perfectly Beautiful Little Lady) 35I'm in the UK :)

I do. If each one sells I will open the frame so I will put you down for that one in case it does not sell as a full set first.

Dumbo and timon

Sure, as noted above, I will put you down for those and if they all become spoken for without the full frame selling I will open it up. :)
Princess frame Letters set is now sold. Sorry to those who asked about single letters from it. They were not each spoken for and there was a lot of interest in the full frame so it was sold that way.

The sketch frames have been updated as well. Ariel and Snow White are pending. Aurora has sold.
Updates made. A few frames left now. :) Thanks for all of the purchases. I hope you guys will love them. Just sent a round out this morning so if you paid in the last few days yours are on the way!
Updating - all frames but 2 have now sold. The Beauty and the Beast is pending and the Building the Dream is still available as a full frame or to be split up. :)

Thanks to everyone who bought them all. Everything paid for is now on the way. I hope you will love them.