2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Just went to my local DS (they don't carry the LE dolls) but I was there anyways so popped in. They had all of the mugs except for Ariel/Eric, and they had TONS of them. She said they were not supposed to get any of the DFDC merch but they somehow got in all the mugs. They never got the Ariel ones though. I wasn't planning on getting them but since I was there and they were only $9 each if you bought two or more I picked up Belle/Beast and Rapunzel/Flynn since Im only collecting/buying those dolls. Now just need to get my hands on the Ariel one. I also found some cute Sleeping Beauty stuff that was marked way down, so I got mug for her since those are the four I collect (Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Rapunzel).
Yes the text is about Jasmine , if you click on the " decouvrir " , it 's the direct link to the jasmine and aladdin set. It's the purpose. The text is leading to the actual set that is avaible and the newest
Oh I'm sorry haha, my french isn't that well and I assumed that it was the description...
You are good, it's also a description^^
Sadly, no. My local DS doesn't get the dolls. I have to drive about two hours to the nearest store that will have them. I probably wont get there until the day they release next week. Im planning on going for them though.Yey Tinkerboy! Did you get to see Belle and Beast? If so, what did you think?
that would be awesome if Ariel was released on the 1st, since I can be at the store that day for the raffle but not on the 15th. I know its a mistake but its nice to dream. HaMight be a mistake, because the description of both doll sets is about Jasmine and Alladin :s. Weird.
Would like it if it was true though, then I'll have a huge TLM haul the 1st.
I need to find Ariel. Im hoping that the store that has the dolls that Ill hit next week for Belle might also have one in stock.Good find! I bout the bell and arial mugs for the DFDC
ha, too funny and sadly oh so right.even Disney gets confused with all these limited dolls releases on October 1.
Did you receive a damaged doll? I hope everything goes smoothly. I worry about getting a damaged doll too.So I emailed Disney about my doll as I really didn't fancy opening it up to put right what should've been in the first place. They've offered to send me a replacement doll which I am of course pleased about, just worried in case the same things happens with Belle as no doubt they will sell faster. Still no sign of the gift bag either so is mentioned this and they are going to send me one.
Not so much damaged but on Jasmines left eye her longer lashes are stuck under her hair. She has about 10 loose strands on the top of her head of hair which just makes her look unsightly, the clothes on both have big creases in them. And finally The cardboard they sit on is about an inch too high so you can see the gap at the bottom meaning Aladdin's hat is squished against the top of the box.
I know I'm being picky but for £100 of my hard earned money I just wasn't fully happy with the set and I really don't trust myself to debox them to sort the issues out.
Not so much damaged but on Jasmines left eye her longer lashes are stuck under her hair. She has about 10 loose strands on the top of her head of hair which just makes her look unsightly, the clothes on both have big creases in them. And finally The cardboard they sit on is about an inch too high so you can see the gap at the bottom meaning Aladdin's hat is squished against the top of the box.
I know I'm being picky but for £100 of my hard earned money I just wasn't fully happy with the set and I really don't trust myself to debox them to sort the issues out.
Congrats!! The designer princesses are beautifulA little bit off topic, but still Designer related: I'm soooo happy because I just got my first Designer Princess!!! Picking her up this afternoon at the post office!!! And it's Rapunzel and I can't wait!!!! 1 down, 7 to go haha, I want all of them except for Jasmine and Mulan. I'm so excited!!!
Not so much damaged but on Jasmines left eye her longer lashes are stuck under her hair. She has about 10 loose strands on the top of her head of hair which just makes her look unsightly, the clothes on both have big creases in them. And finally The cardboard they sit on is about an inch too high so you can see the gap at the bottom meaning Aladdin's hat is squished against the top of the box.
I know I'm being picky but for £100 of my hard earned money I just wasn't fully happy with the set and I really don't trust myself to debox them to sort the issues out.