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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

The manager at our Disney Store told us yesterday that there will be a Couples set. He just had no details on who or when.

Still, I will attempt to get pictures all the same.

I will take this as a blessing, my wallet is safe I suppose!

Unless...they do TWO?! Lol just kidding that is so unlikely its not even funny.

The manager at our Disney Store told us yesterday that there will be a Couples set. He just had no details on who or when.

Is there a possibility that the manager was referring to the LE line and not the designer line?

i just cannot see how a designer couples line would work, I did notice however that whilst Disney has reduced the number of doll releases, most of the recent doll releases with the exception of Calhoun and Tremaine have had increased prices compared to the regular $100 price tag. So I can understand why Disney would want to release a couples designer line. It would justify the price increase that caused issues in last years designer line wherein there was a price increase but also an increase in dolls and no significant variances to their predecessor princesses to justify the $30 increase.
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Ugh! That one word "Couples". Blah. It's been causing so much speculation and worry. I don't deny my additions to the fire...but still. It's months away before we'll find out anything. I'm just beginning to think that there will be all this extra build up that causes us to be like "YEAY! THEY'VE RELEASED THE IMA...oh...well that's...nice..."
Can someone tell me why couples aren't wanted? I'm quite liking the idea. I wonder if it will be two dolls in the box or two separate dolls - one prince one Princess. Seems like a lot of dolls though....
Can someone tell me why couples aren't wanted? I'm quite liking the idea. I wonder if it will be two dolls in the box or two separate dolls - one prince one Princess. Seems like a lot of dolls though....

I can't speak for everyone, but for me, personally...it's boring. Don't get me wrong, the Designer Princesses are AMAZING but I think they're a one hit wonder kind of thing. Having them appear again would either:

1) If they were still in their original outfits be boring
2) If they were in new outfits it would take away from the originality of the original set

The reason the Designer pins are so cool is because their is literally nothing else like them...ANYWHERE! Where else will you see the princesses and villains outfitted to look like current runway models? No where that I know of, so it's a really cool concept. However, if Disney does another set, all of a sudden the original DP's aren't all that unique anymore Know what I mean?

While I'd love the princes to be designer, if it means having to have the princesses with them, I'm not a fan. Now this is ONLY if they are doing Designer Couples. If they are doing some whole new set that isn't Designer anymore, then I don't really care, as long as it isn't wedding themed (I'm not even a fan of collecting princesses as it is, so making them wedding themed is just too much for me <_<) I'd be interested in seeing it.

This is from a pin and appearance perspective btw, not a doll perspective
This is the Other Collectibles forum, if you wish to discuss pins please use the appropriate sub-forum elsewhere, there are many people in this area who only collect other merchandise.
This is the Other Collectibles forum, if you wish to discuss pins please use the appropriate sub-forum elsewhere, there are many people in this area who only collect other merchandise.

Thank you for letting me know that but this thread is titled "Designer Collection" which includes all things Designer, not JUST the dolls or the pins. Not to mention that the pins have been constantly brought up for the past 12 pages among the dolls, I don't see why it is a problem all of a sudden and why a whole new thread must be made about just the pins when they can discussed right here

Also, I did say from a pin and appearance perspective. By "appearance perspective" I meant the art that they use for the pins, lithographs, mugs, etc. so I think my post qualifies just fine and you can see that I didn't just edit my post in order to make it fit into the guidelines either

I don't mean any harm by this post, don't want to start unnecessary drama xP
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Can someone tell me why couples aren't wanted? I'm quite liking the idea. I wonder if it will be two dolls in the box or two separate dolls - one prince one Princess. Seems like a lot of dolls though....

I agree I don't quite understand it either , I love the idea, and I think I recall reading a post on here in which people agreed it would be a good idea if they ever released the male versions of the designer princesses at one point, I guess you can't please everyone. Either way I'm sure the people who say they hate the idea, will probably be staying up at night to purchase it.
Even though this is the section for Other Collectibles only, in all fairness the dolls and pins are almost a one-in-the-same kind of thing. The Designer line is a different kind of collection, so it's hard not to discuss them in this section. However, I was getting a little confused reading posts only to eventually learn the person was referring to the pins as a separate entity and not referring to the dolls. I definitely think we need to not single Out the pins here. Whatever dolls we get, we more than likely will have pins of the same characters, but we do have to keep in mind this is the Other Collectibles section.
Yeah I'm thrilled about designer couples! Why are you guys upset? They could still make a heroines line next year if this line is successful. :dunno:

In terms of both dolls and pins ^_^

For me, if they re-used the original Designer Princess looks, it would make the original Designer Princess set (dolls and pins) unoriginal because you could get the exact same look of the princesses with this new Couples line.

At the same time, if they made the princesses look different from their original Designer looks, it takes away from the uniqueness that was the original Designer Princess line

At least for that's why I would prefer they stick away from using the princesses again in another Designer line (if it isn't Designer, then Disney can go crazy lol)
I agree with Kupo in that by making another designer princess line it will result in the current line losing its exclusivity and it is because of that that I believe that Disney would do something completely different to a designer line. As much as I would rather prefer a designer “Heroines” line as I would love to see Disney’s take on the other non-princess characters, because it is an Expo year I think the release would have to be big, therefore it is likely it will be the princesses again so that they can also include Merida in the line.

I just hope that next year they will consider doing the other non-princess characters as it would be amazing, but if they were to move away from the designer line then I don’t see them going back to it next year just for the sake of doing it for the other characters. Who knows they could totally blind side us and make this year about the other female characters instead of the princesses!

I think the reason why I don’t like the idea of the couples is because there is a possibility that the dolls will not look that great because the more there are the less detailed some would be due to the sheer number of dolls they will have to make. Also it will make it very costly and it would take up way to much space too! LOL

Either way regardless of what it is I probably will still end up purchasing them.
I think I'll be kind of sad if Pocahontas if not paired with John smith, did anyone hate pocahontas 2 as much as I did? Not just because of this new guy, but also the way john smith was portrayed and the lack of relationship development with the new guy( sorry hated the movie so much I don't even know his name). At the end of the movie , the new guy was still a stranger to me....sorry I watched it once and will never watch it again, I apologize if this offends anyone, but based on the movies reviews on sites like amazon, it seems I'm not the only one who HATED that movie.

Of course I know, she most likely won't be paired with him but whatever, and yes I understand in real life she never was with John smith, but come on.....disney could've enlightened us, not everything in the movie actually happened, idk....seems like a lot of Jerry springer drama for a kids movie.
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i agree with you on the 2nd Pocahontas movie. It is one of those ones where you ask,maws that really necessary?

But most, if not all the sequels were straight to DVD release compared to their cinematic release predecessors. Also the sequels were not released by Disney Animation Studios but instead another division of the Disney conglomerate. So I doubt any LE/designer dolls will be released based on the lesser known sequels as it would just confuse patrons.

Like Brii mentioned in her post she couldn't remember the "other guy" in Pocahontas and not very many people can as most know only of John Smith from the first movie so if they were to do couples I think it more likely that she would be paired with John Smith (that is if she were to be included in the line, which I hope they do as I don't think it fair if they just pick specific princess, especially if they were to release a couple set for Merida).
Hahaha! I totally get where you are coming from and kinda agree with you. I practically hate how there are so many Disney sequels. Walt Disney himself said that there would be no Disney sequels. And...then he died and they started producing sequels like the plague.
When it comes to Pocahontas's sequel, I have only seen it once. (And that was WAY back when it came out. But, I have the double feature they released last year so I should watch it again.)
The reason that I prefer her to be paired with John Rolfe (talk about the "New Adventures of Old Christine" huh?) is because that is who she ended up with. I will always think of Rolfe because of how Pocahontas is the only *real* princess in that aspect. I mean, come on. She had what they thought was a "true love" relationship, realized it wasn't, and then moved on with someone else. She's the only princess to have had a break up and have more than one love interest. (At least within her movies.) That's why I'll have a real world/mental connection to her and would openly embrace the idea of her with Rolfe...and kinda hesitate at the idea of Smith.
Also, I read somewhere that ,of the 3 suitors, the "cannon love interest" for Merida was supposed to be the chubby son that was all quiet and shy. I'm glad that she stayed single cause all 3 didn't seem like a good fit, even if they were all combined in to one.

Haha she soo should have been with that massively huge muscle man (sorry I don't know if he has a name, but sureeely you know who I'm talking about - he wasn't a suitor). Imagine THAT as a "designer" couple hahahahaha.


First off...

If they use the same designs ( which I doubt they will) the Princess pins would most likely be joined with their Prince(husband)

so... they would be different... And the edition size will probably be higher, since for the Designer villains they upped it to LE200, and considering the fiasco they had the first time with princesses, I don't think they'd want to go through that again.

And if the princesses look different ( which I'm sure they will) why is that a bad thing? They'll be a second version modeled after different time periods....

It wouldn't lessen the uniqueness of the original set at all since they would be different..... each would be unique in their own way..

It think it would be interesting to have the dolls and pins be in traditional garb for the Characters where ever the story takes place. Happily ever after couples?

Belle and Adam, Short haired Rapunzel and Flynn? You know?

hmmm... They may rethink the prices for the dolls since the villains are at $40 right now.. But then again these are couples, so they will be higher. I think it'd be adorable to pose them in the boxes! (Instead of "squeezing" them in)

Just my two cents. u_u

Hmmmmm, I don't really see the Disney Store lowering the prices for whatever "Designer" doll collection comes out this year, even though four of the six Designer Villains have had their prices slashed to 50% after 6 months of still being available. Designer Maleficent sold out at full cost and Designer Queen Grimhilde (Evil Queen) generally sold out during the end-of-the-year sales at 25% off (well, ok, Queen Grimhilde kept popping back up again, but I think you all know what I mean). Designer Maleficent shows The Disney Store that even at a higher price point, a popular character can sell out in about two months or so even at LE 13,000.

Certainly, if two dolls are being sold as a couples pack, the price will definitely be higher per unit, and I see it them being 150%-200% of the assumed cost of one doll (so perhaps anywhere from $90-$160 per set based on the original Designer Princess and Designer Villain doll prices).

If anything, they might move back to their horrid method of different LE sizes, depending on who they think is more popular based on sales, in order to avoid having too much overstock after the promotion. But if they do that and this year's line is Princess-based, I hope they still up the LE sizes (ex. LE 14,000 for the most popular princesses and at least LE 8,000 for the so-called less-popular princesses), since we all know that princesses sell much better than villains.
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i would love a belle and beast one, if they sculpted the beast beautifully with all his fur ^_^ but it would probably be him in his human form!
If it is indeed couples, they will be so amazing, and having the males with actual rooted hair... oh my god. It would also be awesome if they released a Merida on her own, to kind of show that she is the princess who doesn't need a man type of thing (doubt they will though).
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