A better, brighter DSF lineup idea
Well, I know this is a long shot but I'll chime my idea in. I'm not claiming this idea is flaw proof but it's just something I thought up.
First off, I personally do NOT think you can eliminate line up for DSF pins.
There... I said it.
Even with a lottery system, I can still see people lining up at the time the store opens to get their names in the lottery lest they miss their chance completely. Sure, it may or may not be a big line but there would still most likely be a line of those eager pin collectors to get their names in first. That's just how this hobby is. We pin collectors are die hards. Lines are just an inevitability. That's my personal belief. Yeah, in a perfect world there'd be no lines and everyone would get a pin and there'd be no practice of resellers bringing masses of people.
But we don't live in a perfect world.
So, that being said, I actually may be in the minority here when I say that the current system is not too bad. However, I like the idea of a sign up sheet complete with ID and here's how I would implement it...
Let's say a popular pin release falls on Saturday as they typically do. The sign up sheet would be available as early as Wednesday. PLENTY of time all week for people with all kinds of schedules to hop on over, step into DSF, and put their name in and (hopefully) in this way, the line up probably would not be too terrible. Probably on par with the lottery idea line up.
When you put your name in, you are put down by numerical order (much as they do now with wristbands) by a DSF staff member.
You MUST present a valid ID at the time of signup and at the time of pick up/purchase.
Everyone in your party MUST be present at sign up with a valid photo ID (no signing up anyone who isn't there).
Children must have a valid ID as well (either state issued photo ID or some other valid form of ID that the parents can provide) and children under 5 years of age will NOT be permitted for sign up. (Sorry I know this seems rough but if you are a parent, the two pins per person limit covers a pin for you and your child under 5 years of age. Realistically, how many children under 5 years of age are die hard pin collectors? I'm not saying there are none but I think it's more likely that the extra two pins that child would get would be more for you, the parent, than them. Most children I know under 5 don't know the difference between an LE Belle pin or an OE park edition Belle pin....they just like who they like.)
So, you put your name in the sign up sheet and just take off from there. No camp out. The ability to sign up is only during DSF store hours and is monitored by DSF staff. No camping will be permitted or needed.
On release day, you have security and staff monitor line up as they do now. Everyone lines up according to the number they were assigned at sign up. To be permitted inside to purchase the pins, you need to present your ID at the door. Any party members with you who were not present during sign up or fail to present a valid ID will not be allowed inside to purchase pins.
Anyone who signed up but fails to show up at the designated time of sales, your spot will go to the first/next person in the stand by line.
That's my idea. Again, it isn't fail proof but it allows DSF staff to keep a tighter count of who is really there. It essentially eliminates line cutting and those who may be shepherding their kids into line at the last minute using the "They were asleep in the car" excuse. It basically eliminates the need for camp outs also.
Just my two cents.
First off, I personally do NOT think you can eliminate line up for DSF pins.
There... I said it.
Even with a lottery system, I can still see people lining up at the time the store opens to get their names in the lottery lest they miss their chance completely. Sure, it may or may not be a big line but there would still most likely be a line of those eager pin collectors to get their names in first. That's just how this hobby is. We pin collectors are die hards. Lines are just an inevitability. That's my personal belief. Yeah, in a perfect world there'd be no lines and everyone would get a pin and there'd be no practice of resellers bringing masses of people.
But we don't live in a perfect world.
So, that being said, I actually may be in the minority here when I say that the current system is not too bad. However, I like the idea of a sign up sheet complete with ID and here's how I would implement it...
Let's say a popular pin release falls on Saturday as they typically do. The sign up sheet would be available as early as Wednesday. PLENTY of time all week for people with all kinds of schedules to hop on over, step into DSF, and put their name in and (hopefully) in this way, the line up probably would not be too terrible. Probably on par with the lottery idea line up.
When you put your name in, you are put down by numerical order (much as they do now with wristbands) by a DSF staff member.
You MUST present a valid ID at the time of signup and at the time of pick up/purchase.
Everyone in your party MUST be present at sign up with a valid photo ID (no signing up anyone who isn't there).
Children must have a valid ID as well (either state issued photo ID or some other valid form of ID that the parents can provide) and children under 5 years of age will NOT be permitted for sign up. (Sorry I know this seems rough but if you are a parent, the two pins per person limit covers a pin for you and your child under 5 years of age. Realistically, how many children under 5 years of age are die hard pin collectors? I'm not saying there are none but I think it's more likely that the extra two pins that child would get would be more for you, the parent, than them. Most children I know under 5 don't know the difference between an LE Belle pin or an OE park edition Belle pin....they just like who they like.)
So, you put your name in the sign up sheet and just take off from there. No camp out. The ability to sign up is only during DSF store hours and is monitored by DSF staff. No camping will be permitted or needed.
On release day, you have security and staff monitor line up as they do now. Everyone lines up according to the number they were assigned at sign up. To be permitted inside to purchase the pins, you need to present your ID at the door. Any party members with you who were not present during sign up or fail to present a valid ID will not be allowed inside to purchase pins.
Anyone who signed up but fails to show up at the designated time of sales, your spot will go to the first/next person in the stand by line.
That's my idea. Again, it isn't fail proof but it allows DSF staff to keep a tighter count of who is really there. It essentially eliminates line cutting and those who may be shepherding their kids into line at the last minute using the "They were asleep in the car" excuse. It basically eliminates the need for camp outs also.
Just my two cents.