Beginner Traders
thats so cool...i wish i could print that on a shirt....i would for sure wear that at dlr... it would get lots of looks.... i would walk right by the shark ponds (tables)....and b like...hey...hows it going to
This is what has always worked for me since I was a wee little girl and it is amazing how well it works in the world as an adult:
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
As a new trader thanks for this thread!
I have reached out to try and complet some sets and have goten some (what I believe at least) outrages counter trade offers. It has made me just stop looking for trades and be content and buying and trading the 1 time a year I get to WDW.
Love the forums and keep looking out to the new guys like me!
It's not only the new people being sharked. I think some people will only trade if the trade is way better for them. I sent out a trade request for an open edition pin with 20 trading and 26 wanting and one person replied wanting me to trade the new LE Classic D Haunted Mansion pin instead. I had offered an LE cast member pin in the original trade. Grrrr....
I hate seeing people getting ripped off, and I hate seeing traders having people buy them another pin at the stores for something they like. That's practically the same as having them give you money.
I would like to point out that sometimes this happens, as it has happened to me, where this is not a normal method of trading that a particular pin trader really participates in, but circumstances arise & this takes place.
I have had people with literally NO PINS (not no pins I want, but no pins AT ALL) walk up to my table & see a pin or two I have for trade that really suits their fancy.
They are usually just a nice tourist couple who are looking for souveneirs & don't find anything currently in stores that fit them perfectly the way the pins I have for trade do.
I hate hate doing this personally, as I really am bad at valuing pins, & know that park pricing on pins has really jumped in the last few years,
But there have been those few times that those people REALLY want that pin & so I go in there, chose a few options & let them chose what they think is fair.
All in all, in my experience, those people always walk away happy as clams!
I think at times that those people going into the store to have others buy them pins are not trying to rip anybody off.
Is it technically the same as money? Yeah.
But aren't pins in general?
Many people use current running prices from Auction Sites to value pins & in their trading tactics. The world revolves around money, even the pin world sometimes.
** Please note, that this is not me excusing those who see someone with all Hidden Mickeys walk up & they want a Hidden Mickey from a pin trader's book & the pin trader asks the person to go in & buy them an LE pin, as well as it is in no way me condeming these people, as in all reality, everyone has a right to trade the way they want to.
... I get those emails alot, maybe I should report them kinda clean up the pin trading, Sheriff Grump,lol... In the end it is up to deside if its fair or not, Why would I ask any of you guys if a trade is fair? No one here knows me personally, met me in person, only know of me. That means nothing, just saying a newbie wont know who to trust that he/she might be dealing with another shark & wouldn't know it "Unless you make a list"! HA! knew that would nip this in the but. It takes time, trial & error to learn to do this not another traders opinion. Sorry but it's true. I would never ask here or anywhere other than my wife of her or his opinion of a trade cause the bottom line is, it's up to me weather or not it feels right.
... I get those emails alot, maybe I should report them kinda clean up the pin trading, Sheriff Grump,lol... In the end it is up to deside if its fair or not, Why would I ask any of you guys if a trade is fair? No one here knows me personally, met me in person, only know of me. That means nothing, just saying a newbie wont know who to trust that he/she might be dealing with another shark & wouldn't know it "Unless you make a list"! HA! knew that would nip this in the but. It takes time, trial & error to learn to do this not another traders opinion. Sorry but it's true. I would never ask here or anywhere other than my wife of her or his opinion of a trade cause the bottom line is, it's up to me weather or not it feels right.
Sorry, I have to disagree with you here. I'm no newbie, but sometimes I still ask my friends (both real life and online) for their opinions on certain trades. It helps to get some different opinions whilst weighing up a trade. I also think it's great if someone can come on here and ask for opinions. At the end of the day you have to make your own decisions, but there's nothing wrong with asking for advice and opinions whether you're new or you've been around a while!
thats so cool...i wish i could print that on a shirt....i would for sure wear that at dlr... it would get lots of looks.... i would walk right by the shark ponds (tables)....and b like...hey...hows it going to