Beloved tales...thoughts.......??

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Beloved tales...thoughts.......??
Considering BTs replaced PODMs, I'd expect once the BT line is finished, they'll slowly come down in price, like some PODM's have. The BTs are very nice, I agree, but some are just too pricey for me.

Problem is when will they finish? Besides the 50+ full length animated features, there are countless mini featurettes. :P
Problem is when will they finish? Besides the 50+ full length animated features, there are countless mini featurettes. :P

lol you're right, but I doubt they'll do all the mini featurettes and even if they finish the line down the road, the set might become too large to handle. No offense, but a pin series with over 100 in the set could get a little hectic for collectors.
The BTs are nice, I must admit, but I am really not that interested in collecting them all (too much work) lol. The only ones that I absolutely must have are the Sleeping Beauty and Enchanted BTs. If I ever get those, I can die happy haha :)
Now I'm kicking myself for not buying the Lion King Beloved Tales @75-80 dollars. Now I have no hope of owning it. Le sigh. I won't give my first born for one, ugggg. I hope they come down in price someday.
Now I'm kicking myself for not buying the Lion King Beloved Tales @75-80 dollars. Now I have no hope of owning it. Le sigh. I won't give my first born for one, ugggg. I hope they come down in price someday.

This is how I feel about Pocahontas. It wasn't too long ago she was about $100-$130, and now she is $200+. No one even likes Pocahontas, she is by far the least popular princess (though her and Merida are my favorites). I just don't understand her sudden price increase! It is a gorgeous pin though, probably one of the best Pocahontas pins out there, if not the best.
This is how I feel about Pocahontas. It wasn't too long ago she was about $100-$130, and now she is $200+. No one even likes Pocahontas, she is by far the least popular princess (though her and Merida are my favorites). I just don't understand her sudden price increase! It is a gorgeous pin though, probably one of the best Pocahontas pins out there, if not the best.

I have a lot of pin regrets about BTs, giving up on them, selling/trading Pocahontas, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty (x2), Hercules (x2), Hunchback of Notre Dame, Dumbo (x3), Lion King, Jungle Book (x2), Mary Poppins, Finding Nemo, Herbie, etc.
This is how I feel about Pocahontas. It wasn't too long ago she was about $100-$130, and now she is $200+. No one even likes Pocahontas, she is by far the least popular princess (though her and Merida are my favorites). I just don't understand her sudden price increase! It is a gorgeous pin though, probably one of the best Pocahontas pins out there, if not the best.

My favorite Pocahontas pin is the leaf pin in your signature. Its totally gorgeous.
Oh yeah beloved tales... and stuff...
Maybe a lot of the more popular ones such as princesses and up etc are increased in price due to a lot of them finding homes in permanent collections so less on the traders market available for trade?
Maybe a lot of the more popular ones such as princesses and up etc are increased in price due to a lot of them finding homes in permanent collections so less on the traders market available for trade?

This is always the case. The reason why Tangled pins are so pricey isn't because people feel like charging that much but because people are willing to pay that much in fear that if they don't get it now, it may not come up again, and with Tangled pins, that's not necessarily a bad mindset (the R/C Rapunzel, who knows how many exist of it and everytime someone on DPF gets it, it goes into their collections and out of all the pins in the world, that one will be sold last).
This is how I feel about Pocahontas. It wasn't too long ago she was about $100-$130, and now she is $200+. No one even likes Pocahontas, she is by far the least popular princess (though her and Merida are my favorites). I just don't understand her sudden price increase! It is a gorgeous pin though, probably one of the best Pocahontas pins out there, if not the best.

The funny thing is, Pocahontas is rather popular. She isn't as popular as Ariel or Belle but in the fandom at large she is still rather popular/Pocahontas is still a very popular movie. Disney sadly just doesn't make many pins of her. Most of her LE have found their way into peoples collections so they are hard to come by. That is what caused the rise in the price. The BT collectors need the pin and the Pocahontas collectors need the pin. Now that more people have the pin in their collection, its not coming on ebay as much.

Its currently on ebay for $80 but I'm sure the final bid for the pin will be closer to $200.
Seeing the prices on these pins is depressing... At some point in my trading life i have had in my trade book: Bugslife, Pocahontas, toy story, aladdin, nemo and hercules... I think most of them got traded for about the equal of $20-$40 in pins each. ouch.. that hurts.
This is always the case. The reason why Tangled pins are so pricey isn't because people feel like charging that much but because people are willing to pay that much in fear that if they don't get it now, it may not come up again, and with Tangled pins, that's not necessarily a bad mindset (the R/C Rapunzel, who knows how many exist of it and everytime someone on DPF gets it, it goes into their collections and out of all the pins in the world, that one will be sold last).

I don't know about that. Sure, the R/C started the huge Tangled price jump, that pin is truly rare and it made a lot of people panic and think they wouldn't be able to get the other Tangled pins they wanted but a lot of the older pins tend to pop up again and again... at very high prices, of course, but they can still be found.

And take the Tangled BT (which I guess gets me back on track on this tread). You could and can find it for sale easily. But because the first people who I guess had the money to do it set the price at $200++ then everyone else was expected to pay that as well, I'm guessing a lot of bills went unpaid the month of that release. 40 people are trading it on pinpics. That is A LOT of people. And it is still listing constantly on ebay. And I can't even tell you how many times Tangled BTs have changed hands on this forum since the release, and I am only saying that from consideration of the sales threads I've seen. It is like this never-ending cycle. Pins like Tangled/BTs get hyped up and people charge a lot, people who can afford it buy it at the hyped up prices, everyone else drives up the pinpics numbers by adding it to their wants and fuels the fire by posting how much they want it, new collectors come in and try to continue the series (a lot of new collectors since it is so so hyped up at this point) even though a lot of people will end up with incomplete collections.

I think (not always but) a lot of times, people see that everyone else wants something so they want it too. I think we're all guilty of wanting that pin that doesn't even fit our collection but is just super HTF, so we want it anyway, at one point or another. The BTs are just this to the extreme coupled with the actual rarity of a lot of the older ones (they weren't on anyone's radar so a lot of tourists took them home and forgot about them, I bought my first BT as a tourist in Hollywood myself and it would have sat in my drawer forever too if I hadn't decided I wanted to start trading pins online), that drives that market and that is why we are seeing what we are seeing now.

So that was a lot of rambling but you probably get what I am trying to say. I don't have any upset feelings about any of this at this time because I have managed to not have BTs destroy me financially up to this point, even with the last few releases being what they were because I just cannot and will not pay $200+++ for 4 of these pins, so for the time being these are just my thoughts on how it is right now.
This is always the case. The reason why Tangled pins are so pricey isn't because people feel like charging that much but because people are willing to pay that much in fear that if they don't get it now, it may not come up again, and with Tangled pins, that's not necessarily a bad mindset (the R/C Rapunzel, who knows how many exist of it and everytime someone on DPF gets it, it goes into their collections and out of all the pins in the world, that one will be sold last).

Well I would argue its a viscous cycle. Someone is willing to pay $1,000 for the last Tangled pin they need for their collection and then that is the set price of the pin. It happened with the R/C, compact, and marquee pin. I don't think the Flynn and Rapunzel chair has reached over $500 in price but I don't remember seeing it on ebay in a couple months. Also, once one of the pins sells for over $500, you get a couple more of those same pins popping up on ebay because people want to cash in on it. You then don't see the pin again for months on end. I don't think we will see another compact sale on ebay (once the current one finishes) for at least 6 months. When it comes up again, it will go for double what it went for previously because people need it to complete their collection.

Same thing is happening with the BT pins. The last Little Mermaid pin sold for at least $400 (I thought it was around $500). It doubled in price from the last time it was sold. Next time it comes on the bay, it will probably double in price again. The BatB BT has already reached $500 and was hard to get before the rise in price. The harder the most wanted pins are to get, the more they will go for. Once they are in peoples collections, they wont be leaving until someone needs money or gives up pin trading and wants to cash in on their collection.

Almost every buyer could say "we aren't going to pay more than 50 bucks for this pin" but if one person is willing to pay $100 for it, it will be sold for $100 at least once. You will also have sharks who are not willing to sell pins for reasonable prices. Sometimes the pins sit because no one is willing to pay double what a pin is worth. My grail Snow White pin has been sitting on ebay for $100 for 2 months because no one is willing to pay for it. The person also took off the "best offer" option when I tried to reason with them. However, generally the sharks help raise the prices. You saw it with Tangled pins. You are now seeing it with the BT pins. The Tangled BT was never going to sell for under $100. Originally on ebay people were listing it for $150 minimum. People are willing to pay the price because they need it for their collections. Now it sells for between $350-$400 (unless the price went up and I missed it).

However, this is true for any collectible hobby. Unless you are lucky enough to get the collectible at its original price when it first released, chances are you will pay more for the thing. With any collectible, the prices fluctuate. Three years from now the pins people paid over a thousand dollars for could sell for only three hundred dollars. It all depends on the market and if the collectible is desirable.
Well said Lisa, I spose it comes down to the fact that a pin is worth what ever collectors are prepared to pay for it, and if its the one they need to complete a set or collection I suppose the price can literally rocket!
The funny thing is, Pocahontas is rather popular. She isn't as popular as Ariel or Belle but in the fandom at large she is still rather popular/Pocahontas is still a very popular movie. Disney sadly just doesn't make many pins of her. Most of her LE have found their way into peoples collections so they are hard to come by. That is what caused the rise in the price. The BT collectors need the pin and the Pocahontas collectors need the pin. Now that more people have the pin in their collection, its not coming on ebay as much.

Its currently on ebay for $80 but I'm sure the final bid for the pin will be closer to $200.

I definitely wouldn't consider her popular. When I worked at the Disney Store, I never once saw a single Pocahontas dress sell. We ended up putting the whole stock on clearance. The Pocahontas singing doll is the first, and sometimes ONLY singing doll to go on clearance. :( I think she is definitely more popular with adults than with children. Some children do not even know who she is!

I saw one little girl select her soft plush doll though just this past weekend, and it made my day! There is still hope haha.

I hope to own the BT someday, but I cannot justify spending more than $150. :( Hopefully their popularity decreases again soon and she will be mine!
I agree with Lisa also, as one two of the Japan 100 stitch experiment pins have were on ebay for well over 12 months, no new ones got listed in that time frame, until this year when two others I needed popped up, one had never been put up had to buy it, that was $110 now there is another on up from a different seller with the updated pinpics picture which is thanks to me lolol

then I got the 2nd pin for $120 and that one is not back on ebay (yet) so I was again left with the 2 ones I had been watching and watching, best offers were not working and so I had to cave and buy them as my last resort, I paid $120 for one of them off 1 seller and the other seller must have seen the other one sell (there was two on for $120/$125) and the 2nd seller bumped their price to $165 when its not sold in over 12 months at being $125, only reason the one sold was me lolol
I definitely wouldn't consider her popular. When I worked at the Disney Store, I never once saw a single Pocahontas dress sell. We ended up putting the whole stock on clearance. The Pocahontas singing doll is the first, and sometimes ONLY singing doll to go on clearance. :( I think she is definitely more popular with adults than with children. Some children do not even know who she is!

I saw one little girl select her soft plush doll though just this past weekend, and it made my day! There is still hope haha.

I hope to own the BT someday, but I cannot justify spending more than $150. :( Hopefully their popularity decreases again soon and she will be mine!

I do agree Pocahontas seems to be more popular with adults than kids. Most of the people I know who love Pocahontas were kids when the movie was released. That being said, most pin collectors are adults which is why I would consider her popular in the pin community. Her LE and older pins pins are hard to come by which is why I consider her popular.
Seeing the prices on these pins is depressing... At some point in my trading life i have had in my trade book: Bugslife, Pocahontas, toy story, aladdin, nemo and hercules... I think most of them got traded for about the equal of $20-$40 in pins each. ouch.. that hurts.

Very depressing!
Seeing the prices on these pins is depressing... At some point in my trading life i have had in my trade book: Bugslife, Pocahontas, toy story, aladdin, nemo and hercules... I think most of them got traded for about the equal of $20-$40 in pins each. ouch.. that hurts.

I remember not being able to sell my Sleeping Beauty for $40 (eventually going down to clearing like $30) not even a year ago. oh well :lol:
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