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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---
Still can't find a page for her. I should have been asleep almost 2 hours ago. I'm going to be a zombie when I have to wake up in 6 hours.
I have no idea how I am going to function today. With the doll at 3 that hopefully will have me in bed by 3:30. The clock will then go off at 5 to wake dh up for work which always keeps me up until he leaves a little before 6. Then the clock will go off again at 6:45 to wake me up to get the kids up and ready for school. I will be lucky to get an hour and a half of sleep total. Ahhh! I knew I should have gone to sleep at 11 and just set the clock for 3.

This really better pay off with me getting the SW. ;-)
Hi all! Yeah, here we all are for the weekly vigil! Not to be a Debbie-downer, but I don't anticipate the Snow White's listing on DS.com will be available any earlier than 12 midnight Pacific time (3 am Eastern time), due to the Disney Parks Item Free Shipping promotion that ends at midnight tonight Pacific time. The website will need to be updated to clear that out before they will start uploading the new items, including our dear Designer Snow White. I am so excited, but also worried! I hope no one here eventually gets the e-mail of doom from DS.com.
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There is the SHIPTODAY code that should still be good for free shipping of $75 or more. Just add a pin or 2 to your cart.
There is the SHIPTODAY code that should still be good for free shipping of $75 or more. Just add a pin or 2 to your cart.

Oh no worries there! I have been doing that for my weekly doll (I only need one for my collection), so I have been buying pins that I have wanted anyway. It's been working out fine, that way. I just was saying that the website needs to cycle out its old info before the new items become easily searchable. Good luck everyone!
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Link is kind of weird. This is the item number too: 460706583922
You are welcome everyone. Glad to help out the ohana. Now as Mrs. Potts would say... Off to bed, off to bed.
Thank you so much! I would be crying right now I didn't get that link lol ok goodnight everyone, see you next week!
definitely thanking you for the link. It was not showing up for me without it. Got my order in, now just to see if Disney will actually ship it. The waiting game now begins.
I was wondering the exact same thing. @_@ Amazing, though!

I am going to keep that a secret because if there are any sharks around here I don't want them to know. But I am always happy to help out, as Ursula says, those poor unfortunate souls.

Oh my gosh I am getting really cheesy. Gotta go to bed. :shock:
I am going to keep that a secret because if there are any sharks around here I don't want them to know. But I am always happy to help out, as Ursula says, those poor unfortunate souls.

Oh my gosh I am getting really cheesy. Gotta go to bed. :shock:

Sounds good to me, cuz you know they read these threads!
I have to say I truly love this forum! You guys are all so amazing I hope everyone gets her or whichever doll they truly want. Good night all!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU! I was able to get mine! So happy! so sleepy! Off to bed for a 5:30 wake up time.
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