DS Disneyland Paris Dreams pins
omg I got it!! I've got 2 coming looking for the beauty and the beast dreams pin if some one wants to trade it for the Peter Pan one
congrats on getting one

omg I got it!! I've got 2 coming looking for the beauty and the beast dreams pin if some one wants to trade it for the Peter Pan one
Exactly becky! It's pans show! I wonder if they'll ever put an alice scene in, I'd be jumping straight on the Eurostar if they did!! Gah I'm gonna have to watch it now, off to youtube, can't wait to see it for real! They best extent it past September, I'll prob be going in jan with the cheap sun deal, my husband keeps saying yeeeeah of corse they'll carry it on, but he doesn't understand the extreme importance of the matter!!! I MUST SEE IT!
The full show with new scenes (Lion King / Brave) for the 20th anniversary should still be on the 1st page.
Wow! There are loads of Pans on eBay!!
Shows those who buy loads aren't true disney fans! They don't know that where the hype truly lay, was in that cute little pascal! Don't even have much hope in trading my second peter for something I'd really like
I've traded my spare for the beauty and the beast dreams pin have any of you received you despatch email yet I haven't I'm getting worried
Again, I'll say I'm not surprised.Wow! There are loads of Pans on eBay!!