Goofy Lost His Marbles...ALL GONE!!!
C) Introduce a new Goofy Game involving Decks of cards I bought at DLR this morning...

C) Introduce a new Goofy Game involving Decks of cards I bought at DLR this morning...
Hmmm... I see why you voted for a rest... LOL...
I did not see that you started your own version of my game...
Don't I at least get a 30 Day Creators License before everyone starts to copy my ideas???
I had that with the Auctions before they were taken over...
My next card game is less mystery and more of a risk on both sides, but I better not share too much before someone runs with my idea... Bwahahaha...
Yup! I was going to wait til December but then remembered someone else mentioning they were going to have one around Thanksgiving so I wanted to get in while I could. Before people spent their Christmas money on BatB PODMs.
With your card game, I am going to assume there are either 52 packs or 54 packs (if you include the Jokers). And maybe the Jokers would be the grand prize?
I received Pin 59238: DLR - Valentine's Day 2008 - Roger & Jessica Rabbit LE 1000
This is my first LE pin ever and it's a pretty sweet looking pin on pin! Not bad for a consolation prize.