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ZAPPED! I think this is my first official ZAP!

ZAPPED! I think this is my first official ZAP!


Curiouser & Curiouser...
DPF Charter Member
Rating - 100%
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I can't believe it!

I had a couple LBE's in the mail because I knew I had a few pending trades. I opened one and couldn't remember what pin I had traded for when I realized I did NOT make a trade for this pin BUT it was on my wants list! I saw a note saying I was zapped! I couldn't believe it! So a HUGE THANK YOU to whomever sent me this BEAUTIFUL pin! I'm blown away by your generosity. I've tried trading for it a handful of times this year through pinpics with no luck so this was so very appreciated! THANK YOU again!


Wow thats been on my wants forever! what a beautiful zap! congrats.

I know! Mine too! I was blown away!

@ Dawny: It's more like a pendant. I think... We were trying to figure it out last night, it was funny. :)
It's beautiful and well, so are you so you must have made a wonderful impression on someone, just like you do with all the rest of us!


It's beautiful and well, so are you so you must have made a wonderful impression on someone, just like you do with all the rest of us!



YOU.ARE.TOO.CUTE! Thank you for your kind words Vicki! I really hope we have time to talk more the next time we meet up. It was a pleasure.
Gorgeous!! What a lovely surprise! :) Congrats!
p.s. from here the rose looks like a stick pin to me?
Thanks again! I have no idea who sent it. I don't keep track of people's info which made me realize that I really should for zaps and such! I wish I knew though. :)