Hmmmm. Normally, I wouldn't trust what any given cast member has to say- just because Disney is fickle and changes their minds about things all the time (and CMs can assume and understand things wrong, as well). But the proof has kind of been in the pudding lately, hasn't it? It's been almost 6 months since the last event, and that was a poorly thrown together thing that didn't even count as a real PTN.
...I just don't understand the logic behind this. A few years ago, when the PTNs were starting to look empty, then yeah, I could understand. But lately, PTNs have been HOPPING! Which leads me to three conclusions:
1.) They aren't doing them because they don't feel they're necessary to still get pin traders' money (less bang for our buck)- they've been doing this with the September event for a while...just giving us the bare minimum for a "show", taking our money, then running. Maybe they feel the PTNs were too hard to run (gathering cast members, paying them, organizing them, etc.) when they know they have us hooked anyway.
2.) They can't do them due to job cuts. Basically, the people who currently run them are too busy with the work piled on to them. If there's anything I know about corporations they love to dump as much work onto people as they can, then trim jobs.
3.) They really are punishing us for bad behavior, got fed up, and decided not to do them anymore. Granted, the behavior would have had to have been REALLY bad, but at some point, management would back them on this (even over sales), if it got out of control and to be more trouble than they're worth...
It's not because of space- there's more than enough ballrooms space at WDW, and it can't be full all of the time.
Whatever the reason, if it's true that they're cutting PTNs, then we've definitely got a problem, as a community. WDW is starving, and soon, this part of the pin trading world is going to be all but dead. Oh, sure...they're sell PINS- families will buy them, and for the cute OEs, we may even still buy them. But pin TRADING, as a collectible hobby, won't be the same...we may be here, but we'll be all but worthless, supply-wise.
We already lost, we already lost most of our LE releases under 1,000...if we lose PTNs, we won't be able to keep up with DLR/Cali (and I would argue that we can't anymore, anyway). With no new releases to pump into the hobby, it's going to dry up over here.
This is a big mistake on Disney's part...if there's anything we know from collectible hobbies, it's that you don't let them get bored. Because most of us have addictive personalities, and quite a few of us have more than one hobby. If we don't have a way to feed our obsessions, our attention WILL drift to other areas, and our money will go with us.
What really sucks is that there are any number of ways they can change/alter things to still make money AND keep us happy, but they don't seem to want to make the effort...they'd rather just cut us off at the knees.
There was an article this weekend saying Disney is slashing jobs - specifically in the Merchandising category to "save costs."
And that might be some of the reason their "artists" have taken to stealing people's art from online. Check it out: