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Kaa looks up at Chief Louie, seeing in the background the gathering of the masses. The late too arrive princess, the birds, the mice, the eerie denizens of that anti science wonderland, the crazy amphibian. Even now the ill fated journey of the Jungle Cruise DSI are charging up the ramp from the attractions exit area. They pass the remote boats and the pre programmed jets of propane explode fire from the water to illuminate their exodous. Several of the mice and Tink are slightly suprised by the sudden eruption of flames, but it does not slow thier stampede.
"Excellent!, you have all arrived jussst in time!! Chief behind usss isss a mossst gruesssome sssscene. I sssubmit our firssst crime ssscene to you.
But firssst I would caution all of you of the femine persssuasssion to ssstand back."
With a certain vile gleam to his slowly rotating orbs and special twist of his head, Kaa gazes straight at Aurora,Snow White,and Bianca before continuing.
" Our victim died mossst heniousssly crussshed beneath one of the carpetsss asss it ssstopped at the loading area. There isss more blood and foulnesss there than after a feast by that loathsome Ssshere khan!! Pleassse thossse of you with sssensssitve naturessss ssstay back!
Yesss you too Basssil,"he sneered this last with a final flick of his tongue.
" The victim wasss non other than our attractionsss love!! Yesss, Jasssmine !
View attachment 4610!You see why I cautioned you ladiesss, I know you princessesss ssstand together sssso thisss may be more sssshocking to you." This last was uttered in just such a way as to be ambiguious in meaning. Was he taunting the ladies of stature? Or mearly ACTUALLY being considerate of thier natures?
While making the revelation about the murder victim and the gory details of her obvious demise, Kaa has begun to slither in between several of the gathered detectives.
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"I can only asssume their wasss a motive for our good desert flower to be sssnuffed out like thisss,but what could thisss be? Another question Im sure my esssteemed but slightly over eager co-detectivesss may think isss what isss the connection to Keira with Jasmines murder?"
" These querriesss are jussst a ssstart of a long lissst of quessstions im sssure. Pleassse feel free to invessstigate the actuall carnage if you mussst, but for myssself I have ssseen enuff" Kaa begins to turn towards the pathway back towards the entrance to Adventureland, when he pauses, and does his half body turn again.
"Sssay, I did find one tinsssy thing,not really a clue, not hardly worth mentioning at all, but I will in passsssing, I would like a bit of time in the lab firssst to asssesss it clossser,if I have your permisssion CL? But I will be happy to reveal to all when I am done what I have found"
he sssneered with a ever so Satanic grin before continuing,
"Or for the promissse of a favor later on in our invessstigation , I can ssshare with you now what I have found in sssecret , Trussst Meee?"
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