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New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!

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New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!
Nope, sorry! Number 9 is going to have to remain hidden for now. That door refuses to open, so I'm waiting for Thel91 to post a new number. RECALCULATING! RECALCULATING! TURN LEFT NOW!
Nope, sorry! Number 9 is going to have to remain hidden for now. That door refuses to open, so I'm waiting for Thel91 to post a new number. RECALCULATING! RECALCULATING! TURN LEFT NOW!

LOL You're worse than Angel! Making us wait SO long for the Revealing! Just Kidding! :)
You are doing a GREAT job!
*curtsies* :D *bows* thanks everyone! You're all being troopers, I really appreciate your patience, what with the server continually going down, and putting up with this first-time moderator! I don't know about you guys/gals but I'm already having tons of fun!!
Recalculating! Number #11, let's see.... *shakes up fish bowl full of pins* Ahhhh crap.... *watches as the fish bowl explodes into a thousand different pieces, sending glass and pins all over the place* Must put fish bowl back together! *goes off to fetch the krazy glue*
*sits with tweezers and krazy glue*

What? Oh, did you want something? Oh yes, number 11!! How about this see through beauty??

That's a lovely scene, haven't seen it before either. Granted if someone made up a PODM scene database that would be awesomeness. I thought there used to be a thread of people's scenes but I went through 20 pages of threads one day and couldn't find it.
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