New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!

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New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!
That's a lovely scene, haven't seen it before either. Granted if someone made up a PODM scene database that would be awesomeness. I thought there used to be a thread of people's scenes but I went through 20 pages of threads one day and couldn't find it.

I believe erudolf made one over on
*waits for the stealing to start* I'm surprised, we're already at number 5 and there hasn't been one steal yet!!! Look at the thread's title, people! STEAL SHAMELESSLY! Okay, anyway, where was I? I'm busy dancing around to songs from Enchanted, please hold!
OMG OMG OMG OMG......Ummm, SEE! THIS IS WHAT I WAS WORRIED ABOUT! MESSING UP!...what to do what to do what to do what to do! AAAACK!

The pressure! I can't take it! I HAVE to know what is behind door #13. So we play in order from 1-20 and just keep rounding around and around until ALL pins are locked or everyone is good with what they have?? Sorry!!!!!
sort of. When it's your turn, you have the option of either stealing a pin that's already been revealed from someone else(in that case it would be their turn to do the same), or pick a number and reveal a new pin. Pins can be stolen twice before being 'locked down', meaning they can no longer be stolen. IE. I pick number #9. It's stolen by Calvin, and then Thel steals it from Calvin. It would then be locked down with Thel. :) Don't worry, it'll get easier once the game goes on a bit. You haven't messed up at all! The game will continue until the last pin is revealed, which will be my turn. Since I'm moderator, I go last and I cannot steal, so that will end the game. :)
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Last time I was just a spectator, but like when someones pins got stolen, then they could pick another number, or steal from someone else. Then when they got to the last person, that was the person over-seeing the game, and he took whatever the last thing available was.... I think lol
Stacey, yes. Everyone will only have one official turn. The only time you'll go again is if/when your pin is stolen :) Anyone who has questions, please feel free to PM me at any point in time and I'll clarify things for you!

Soooo, back to number 13!! Did you know Sarah Winchester, wife of the man who invented the Winchester rifle, was obsessed with the number 13? Many things in her expansive mansion were done in thirteens!
Sorry! I didn't mean to be the "stupid" one! I tried to go back through the previous game and I got all kinds of confused looking through the THOUSANDS of posts! LOL :)

And NOW I see the appeal of going LATER in the game. I was wondering what everyone wanted a later spot for! Duh.
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