Online Pin Trading Etiquette...Messaging Members for Sales with No Sales Post Posted?
I've had someone do that and I wasn't very happy about it. They went through my collection and saw I have the rapunzel compact... They then had the nerve to say well they should have it. That they deserved it cause they were closer to finishing being a tangled completist before me. I was so shocked and offended, but it's hard for
me to be outright rude to someone so I just told them that if they had looked through my collection ( which is the only way to find out I even own the compact) they'd see I am also a tangled collector and that I didn't want to trade one of the hardest tangled pins and be even farther set back. Then I asked if they had messaged anyone else who owned the compact for theirs and they said no just me.
I don't even want to imagine... I swear the nerve of some people. How can a stranger feel its okay to ask for handouts.... That's just ughhhhh. Don't get it.Just imagine some of the PMs I get.
People who keep asking for the same pin, or ask if I would zap them, or make stupid statements get put on my "bad" list, and the chances of me doing anything for them is almost nil.
Haha thanks.And this is why you are awesome, and fortune favors awesome, patient and good people.(I keep telling myself that, and it hasn't failed me yet!)
I've been thinking about this a lot, and I wonder if it comes down to an individual's sense of entitlement? In both your example and of Alex's, it seems like the individuals in question feel like they are ENTITLED to a pin or a set because of their contribution to the forum (in whatever capacity they measure it) or how much of a "fan" they deem themselves of the collection. It's a very subjective scale, and I know I get really irked when I hear people say that they "deserve" or "need" a pin because they have a million in their collection and are somehow more important than newer collectors... I don't think tenure in the hobby, money or status/"fame" make you more worthy of a pin than others. (Obligatory reminder that this is targeted at NO ONE IN PARTICULAR and that I think we can all think of a time when we've been guilty of gushing over and "needing" a pin -- I know I have!)
Man, this went really preachy and that wasn't really at all my intention... just my two cents, I guess. Okay, that's the end of my soapbox rant... :wavey:
I don't even want to imagine... I swear the nerve of some people. How can a stranger feel its okay to ask for handouts.... That's just ughhhhh. Don't get it.
I've had someone do that and I wasn't very happy about it. They went through my collection and saw I have the rapunzel compact... They then had the nerve to say well they should have it. That they deserved it cause they were closer to finishing being a tangled completist before me. I was so shocked and offended, but it's hard for
me to be outright rude to someone so I just told them that if they had looked through my collection ( which is the only way to find out I even own the compact) they'd see I am also a tangled collector and that I didn't want to trade one of the hardest tangled pins and be even farther set back. Then I asked if they had messaged anyone else who owned the compact for theirs and they said no just me.
Wow that's just gross. I am always so happy if you or Hollie etc.. get a new Tangled pin for their collection and put them a step closer because I know how happy I am if I can add another pin to my collection.I've had someone do that and I wasn't very happy about it. They went through my collection and saw I have the rapunzel compact... They then had the nerve to say well they should have it. That they deserved it cause they were closer to finishing being a tangled completist before me. I was so shocked and offended, but it's hard for
me to be outright rude to someone so I just told them that if they had looked through my collection ( which is the only way to find out I even own the compact) they'd see I am also a tangled collector and that I didn't want to trade one of the hardest tangled pins and be even farther set back. Then I asked if they had messaged anyone else who owned the compact for theirs and they said no just me.
Just imagine some of the PMs I get.
People who keep asking for the same pin, or ask if I would zap them, or make stupid statements get put on my "bad" list, and the chances of me doing anything for them is almost nil.
If you don't want anyone asking you to sell/trade it, REMAIN UNNAMED! Running around flaunting the pins (without saying they aren't for trade/sale) I feel is begging to get at least a few PM's :lol: (I'm not saying it's cocky, be proud of your acquired pins! You should be! But just expect a few PM's, it's only natural). You have to remember that when it comes to really big pins we all love, so many people want them, that what is the harm of just sending 1 PM (make sure it is just 1 pertaining to the purchase/trade) since you'll never know unless you ask.
I also think its a little presumptuous to assume that someone would be willing to get rid of something because it isn't one of their "main collections". They may be starting a new collection, the pin could have sentimental meaning, or maybe they just like the pin lol.
I really appreciate everyone's responses! Very interesting to see the different points of view!![]()
I disagree with this statement. In the case of the Designer Couples, the only reason I was posting was because one else was. I wanted to get the information out there that yes, pins were able to be purchased from the website. After some time, more people came out and said they got some too, but to start, I think I was the only one. I was simply answering the question.
I found it frustrating that I received messages, because I never once stated I would be selling or trading them. It was rather clear that I was excited about getting them for my collection.
I also think its a little presumptuous to assume that someone would be willing to get rid of something because it isn't one of their "main collections". They may be starting a new collection, the pin could have sentimental meaning, or maybe they just like the pin lol.
I really appreciate everyone's responses! Very interesting to see the different points of view!![]()
I agree with what others have already said. In a nutshell:
Asking if a pin in someone's traders is for sale - OK
Asking again when you've been told 'no' - not OK
Politely asking the person (once only) to keep you in mind if they decide to sell in the future - OK
Asking to buy a pin in someone's collection - not OK (unless a seller has indicated that such requests are welcome)
Saying or implying in any way that you are more deserving of a pin, want it more than other people, really really need a high-end pin at cost, want to be zapped, etc. etc. (whether in PM or open threads) - just plain tacky
Here are my 2bits worth...... cause I get this ALOT!!!!!!
1. NOTHING from my collection is for trade!
(if its not in my traders DON'T ask) there is ONLY 1 pin I would trade for out of my collection...... *shameless plug* if you have the Japan classic rapunzel please look through ALL of my pins
2. I will NEVER look through someones collection and ask for a pin....
I have had a few people TELL me to look through their collections before for "Grail" pin trades, i feel that this is the ONLY time this should be done (WITH PERMISSION)
3. No one NEEDS or DESERVES a pin more than someone else.....
we all have reasons that we collect the things we do, some of us have just found our love for pins while others have been at it a lot longer..... IT SHOULDN'T MATTER!!!
4. Treat people how you want to be treated......
Would YOU want someone going through your collection asking to trade pins you have worked so hard to get? there is a reason it is in the collection and NOT on the trades list
As you can probably see this is a subject that I am very passionate about..... sorry if this is a little... strongly is not meant to be mean it's just my thoughts.