Aww, Clara you are so sweet! ^_^ Same back to ya!

I wanna nominate some more people (as well as TheOtherSteve in my previous post)

In no particular order...
My Aladdin homies! :rock: <3
RiftRaftStreetRat! For always being so awesome and friendly for geeking out with me when necessary, and for being my DLR pick up buddy <3
Clara9271! I think you were the first friend I made here on DPF, I am so glad I can call you a friend- you are so sweet and completely awesome!

Leopardpolkadotspots! For being a very lovely friend and trader, and for always pointing out some great pin deals to me... it's nice to have a fellow UK Jasmine obsessive!

Creativextremeties! Laz, you are so loved by everyone here on the forum for a reason... you are a trustworthy, courteous, fair trader and an AMAZING friend to me- luv ya!

CheshireCat! Charlie, you are a real sweetheart, and as always it's nice to have a fellow UK trader to call a friend

You are SO much fun to talk to! I always enjoy our conversations!
Mickeymousje! Rachel, everyone agrees with me when I say you are a total sweetheart and a very kind, genuine, fair trader, you rock!!!

Thanks for always being willing to pick up pins for me from Paris too! ^_^
MMiano- Michelle, I had tons of fun chatting with you at DSF in the summer- here's to hoping we can do it again this summer, too!
Queen- You haven't been active very much recently, but you are definitely one of the most genuine people on the boards- I love chatting with you! <3
Zanaduhaz- Hazel, you are always so thoughtful and sweet, I really appreciate your constant kindness!
Shivatopia- I think you are like, the KING of dolls. 'Nuff said :lol:
fireheadfred- Hollie (and Karl!) are such wonderful members here too, I always have a smile on my face after I read your posts, guys! ^_^
2Infinity- you are SO awesome! Your constant happiness here on DPF really puts me in a great mood- welcome back!
Aquata- Thank you for being such a cool DPFer and Secret Santa to shop for!
doodlebug86- Like, OMG... eternally grateful for the grail Aladdin PODM scene!! :bowdown:
docfish2u- Thanks for being so helpful and for putting up with me when I was a PinPics newbie :lol: And for zapping a ton of people on this forum- we salute you, Grail Slayer!
chipdale123- Joey is always so kind towards others here on DPF, and he has seriously awesome UP and Lion King collections :eek2:
movingthestars- Last but not least, Mary!

You were my first non US trade, and you are so cool!

I have seen you be very generous towards other members of this forum too- I still have the little note and stickers you sent with our trade- I LOVE them! ^_^