New game, zap lottery. :) winner announced.
alright, so after thinking a bit about it, i decided to make a new silly game that i hope you guys like. here are the basics. so all you have to do is take a pic of your favorite pin with your screen name somewhere in the pic. you can only enter once in to the game but u can post as many times as you want but will only be eligible by posting the pic and you must have at least 40 post(why 40? because of the 40th anniversary of WDW). also the members entering the contest must to had join this forum 30 days prior this game started which will be today(11/14/11). oh, of course, the prize... well it will be a cool zap, hopefully something from your wants but i promise i'll do my best to send you something that u'll like. i'll use that site where the mods randomly select the winner and i will post a video of it to prove i was fair. also this contest end a week from today(11/21/11 at 11:59), so post away and the best of luck. any questions please PM, this is the first time i try to make a game like this and i might had left something out to explain.happy trading and again, GOOD LUCK...
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