Designer Princess Co-Op Pocahontas Left $55

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PM'ed alottalaughs once again. I need to hear from her this time. I am getting extremely concerned that I have heard nothing whatsoever since I paid 80 plus for the pin a week ago.
I really think she is just sending them out to everyone who sent her their address and it's on it's way(but not sure just my theroy)hopre this helps!:hsd:(she told mine is on it's way so maybe yours to...)
Thanks for the update, Macie! And thank you so much for putting together this co-op (despite the stress and the e-mails that were lost in the shuffle). You've really helped a lot of people out by doing this co-op! :)
I agree with shivatopia thank you SO much! your helping me getting my grails!(and I am trurly sorry if I have been one of the crap people in the co op if I was I was'nt trying to be. hope I was helpful... :hs:)thanks again:D
Woah let's just all be calm about this :) communication has been established and everyone has been updated :) I'm sorry if anyone is feeling stressed by this co-op
Thanks Macie! I recieved my Mulan yesterday. A picture does not do it justice. They really are beautiful pins. I really appreciate all the trouble you went through lining up co-op.
You're welcome, just don't be so quick to judge next time (you know who you are) I did get totally screwed with Snow White and Pocahontas though, so if you know anyone who wants them point them my way because I'm pretty upset that lostgirl76 bailed.
You're welcome, just don't be so quick to judge next time (you know who you are) I did get totally screwed with Snow White and Pocahontas though, so if you know anyone who wants them point them my way because I'm pretty upset that lostgirl76 bailed.

I sent you a pm about simbanino wanting the pocahontas and I know ajc showed some intrest in her also.(plus I wiwll give an update on my thread) and I am sorry that lostgirl76 bailed:(
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