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OK guys & gals, I've updated the PTD wants list on the first page for Tessa. I will message her regarding the flip but I'm pretty sure Rhino Guard and Fa Li are taken for the first set of pick-ups she does (either today or tomorrow evening).
This weekend has been interesting, to say the least! This is literally the first moment since Friday morning that I've been home, conscious, and able to post updates all at the same time.

Availability update (aside from the PTD flip that y'all know about) : the Death Trooper pin sold out during the release but before my number was up, so I couldn't get any more.

Pickup update: I went to the release yesterday and got two full sets of mice, as well as an Anita and a Dawson. I also stopped off today just for the new PTDs; I was in a mighty hurry as I had only a few minutes between things, so I didn't stop to see what from yesterday's release was still there or buy anything other than the PTDs. I got myself a Roscoe and DeSoto (I don't generally collect Oliver and Company except for Rita casually, but I work just a few blocks up from the cross streets of Roscoe and De Soto so I couldn't pass them up!) and a Fa Li that has been reserved.

I still need to get the Rhino Guard for myself and for my non-DPF friend, so pickups for him for this thread will start on day 3. I will probably pick up Roscoe and DeSoto tomorrow and Fa Li the next day, since I expect the dogs to go first.

I know y'all are anxious for the drawings, but it's been a crazy weekend and I need to crash for the night so I can make it to work on time tomorrow. I'm very sorry! But I promise that I will do the drawings tomorrow. I have the following to pick names for: one Up nesting doll set, one Death Trooper, two Anitas, two Dawsons, one Church Mice, one Bernard/Bianca/Jake, two Suzy/Perla, and two Basil/Dawson/Olivia/Hiram (I decided that while I like the design, it's a pin I can ultimately do without).
Rest, relax, and recharge! Taking care of yourself comes first! Thank you again for everything you do!

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