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DSF/DSSH DSSH Surprise Releases

DSF/DSSH DSSH Surprise Releases
Out of interest, it seems as though international non-US users could purchase through these online releases, is that actually correct? Or would it have kicked me at the end had I tried to buy something?

Unless it specifically says CA-only or US-only, the online releases are open for international as well.
Unless it specifically says CA-only or US-only, the online releases are open for international as well.

Thank you! This is the most exciting news. While I can see that they're tough to get hold of still, losing the EU LE releases was crippling in terms of getting traders of any value. So to have the potential of these is really exciting
I got on but not getting anything. Can’t justify paying over $30 for a trader right now when shipping is an additional $12. Aristocats, Dalmatians, Lion King, Hercules, Lady and the Tramp, Little Mermaid are all sold out. All the Pooh pins are still available. They also currently have these extras:

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