How was pin trading at Disneyland tonight!!! Will post my spoils soon. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
wow i am shocked you guys didnt trade that much? i thought there woulod be tons of people...hmmm
we had out CNJPTN last night from 7-11
there were a total of 10 traders and i made....9 good and we (the blt boys) and i didnt get there til 8pm...We did alot of talking, go some good scoops on a possible future Pintrading Cruise, info on D23 event and the up coming WDW 13 event--we laughed and joked and had cookies. So all in all a success. As i am getting seasoned and also as i reached 3000 pins i find i trade less and socialize more! See all off you in a few weeks i hope!