Kaa arrives at the former location of SM and surveys both the survivors and the carnage. "All that delisssciousss moussse meat gone to waissst" he says as he shakes his head, and chuckles at his own pun," to Waissst!?"
However still here and detecting are Aurora,
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and of course Anton Ego.
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Quite the ensemble , now the gathered detectivves tell Kaa about what has happened. Louies heroic yet untimely demise, the hair clue the may-he-rest-in-peace chip gathered for us. Finally they mention the new leadership of the group.....
"Ssso its to be another Kitty kat psssudeo king isss it,
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Perhapsss you ssshall all sssee that itsss not me you have to fear but the new bossss. I have more than jussst a passsing aquaintance with large catsss asss he. Letsss jussst sssay "better the Villian you know, then the one you dont"
You have all ssseen that I am at leassst sssomewhat trussst worthy, I have ssshared all of my dissscoveriess, while of courssse I to ussse it to my advantage. BUT AT LEASSST IM KNOWN!!,yesss I might try to eat you, but you know that when we ssssit down, Itsss not a hidden motive or Macheavelian plot. Certainly I am not the Claudiusss like creature that sssomeone elssse might be. For the record, Thatsss the Claudiusss in Hamlet and not in Ceassser.
Conssssider well your actionsss with our new leader, I for one will be asss cautiousss asss I can, Hesss devious itsss true, but perhapsss hisss ruthlesssnesss isss called for our late and esssteemed leader thought ssso, and we ssshould not debate hisss wisssdom at thisss time.
What we have for facts is little known.There is doubtfull some added bits that our new 'leader' will be able to add to this short list.
The killer is male.
The killer is not Asian Descended.
The Killer somehow has access to any and every part of the park.
But perhaps he can help usss with thessse cluesss,
Especially now when the need for sssome anssswers from our lab growsss with each dissscovery, Each of the cluesss we have now are vagueriesss at bessst. We need factsss to find the man resssponsssible for thisss.
Thiss is what we have for cluesss, and why the labsss anssswersss are ssso important.
A white hair is it male or female, sssince we know the killer isss male isss it hisss or someone elsesss? Isss it animal or human hair?
A black hair is it male or female, sssince we know the killer isss male isss it hisss or someone elsesss? Isss it animal or human hair?
Brown fur what kind of fur?
A feather What kind of feather?
Until the lab ressspondsss with sssome of thisss information all we have isss ssspeculation and no proof, We however mussst continue to gather what we can for cluesss, otherwissse we ssshould go and sssit and wait for thisss spectral killer to claim hisss next target,, oh excusse my insssenssitivitiesss, next victim. "
Kaa looks at the faces of the gathered survivors outside SM, Great snake in the heavans, Scar in charge, he thinks to himself, now the law of the jungle really would be the law of the land. Perhaps this is a good thing, Kaa once more surveys the other detectives, no they would not last long in the jungle at all he thinks.
He slinks over to the planter and curls his coils amdist the tree, now we will wait for the new 'boss' he thinks...