"Ssso our new esssteemed leader hasss ssshown ssssome promissse!!!" Kaa explains although as usuall non are around him to hear.
"Hmmm the lab techsss ssseem to have picked up thier pace, now to find Kiera or more ssspecifically the next of our cluesss!"
Kaa is heading for the back of the contstruction area,where Gastons tavern will be.
He watches as Dodo makes his unnatural landing, and wonders how that one will get around with his transportvwhich remained on the other side of the fence?
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Overhead that winged menace with the fairy dust flew by, or maybe it was one of her 'type'? Pixie hollow will be to my right so no doubt shes sending in for reinforcements, Frog has his minions here now too. Whole investigation is begining to look like an invasion.
Sure, there is a murderer loose in MK, and we bring in every clown with a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers!!!
In the distance Kaa hears the engines from Mole , Rat or Guinea pig, whatever that furry thing is. Frogs flunky... not being able to keep track of the sounds of thier vehicles only the smell of the driver when still. Kaa decides to refer to them ALL collectively, as Frog Flunkies.
Anton is over by the gate, he notes, but hes moving slowly in, perhaps if he heads this way I will confer with him, that human is not like the rest, why hes almost likeable!
Kaa enters the construction area,proper and slides in front of the massive steel structure that will be Gastons tavern,
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Apparently the workers are not here now, but the sun is begining to set, Here in Fla, in Mid may Kaa remembers the sun doesnt go down untill 8ish, so it must be after 5. Either work is done for the day, or there is non being done today. Disney is Union after all, who knows what weird holiday it may be?
Kaa again activates the Wombat spec V, "Voice activate text to sSscar, text messsage.
' Doesss your sssource sssay where on other ssside of fence, or approximate area? Alssso area here leadsss to parking lot on far ssside, could sssuspect be leaving? Sssuggesst sssecurity on exit examine all exiting vehiclesss. Please respond before ....'
Kaa pauses in his message, The construction area?, perhaps THE most deadly potential in all the park, Are we really here looking for clues or is Sscar working with the killer? brown fur white hair, if I didnt know the gender was wrong i would swear that was Zira, perhaps one of his sons? the snake remains silent and thinks a bit before continuing.Tread lightly snake, here even an innocent mistake is bound to be fatal, for someone.
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'...one or more of usss isss cemented in place. I would hate to sssee sssomeone here wind up with concrete golossshesss at the bottom of ssseven ssseasss lagoon? I would alssso suggest you join usss asssap to ensssure a proper invessstigation, you know how thessse novicesss are'
End text and sssend.