Kaa considers very very very carefully what he will say next, While his many dealings with Shere Khan have taught him many things, not the least of which is this.
If you are a genius you will think of 50% of all the things that can and WILL go wrong in any given crime, And just remember your not that great a genius.
the lesson that any prey is to be studied, the more the better. And so now Kaa takes a great long look at the new 'leader', his eyes narrow and at first some of the others think he is angry and just barely abel to control his rage. He begins to shake almost uncontrolably, his face twist in a look somewhere between pain and tears, He looks away from Scar for a moment as if trying to hold back something he doesnt want to reveal. And then the damn breaks as he turns back to the maimed lion.
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He looks at Ssscar and laughs, out loud, long and oh so heartily!! "yessss thatsss it!!??!!" He exclaims as he rolls to the ground. His great length shudders in mirth and for the first time since he has joined this group, the other detectives see a side of him previously unknown.
"Pride.." he wispers to all and to SScar specifically as he stares at him eye to eye," itsss not jussst a word to lionsss isss it kitty?" he singsongs this last.
"Nooo pride meansss sssomething much more IMPORTANT to a lion doesssnt it, it meansss family!! After all what isss pack of lionsss called? A pride, and I notice ssscar you have no lionsss, only mongrelsss to follow you? Where isss Zira and your boysss now? Where are all the lionessesss, like Nala, you once commanded? Nooo I think you tire of the conssstant yesss men of the hyenasss, you are after all a intelligent creature, not unlike my other jungle cat nemis..ahem assssociatessss, but where he wasss a poor planner and wasss caught in a trap, Your primary character flaw isss pride, pride in being in charge, pride in being right, the pride of the ssselfrightous, the pride of a bully!!!"
"Noww before you ssstart that infernal roaring jussst wait a sssecond and hear me out...
You need usss asss much asss we need you, We take the risks, there is a killer out here, already several of us have paid the ultimate price, Would you trust Ed to stalk this killer and find whatever cluesss he may leave? How about Bonzia would he be able to determine what at a crime scene was a clue and what was merely leftovers from a family from Albaquerque? You may be able sssolve thisss without usss, but now you are in charge, and even you will have to anssswer to someone elssse. Take too long or let the killer essscape, WE do not anssswer to the MOUSE, you do, WE do not nesssecarily get the glory asss leader of the group, YOU do.Would you trust your reputation to THOSE THREE? We are doing YOUR leg work, or in my cassse tail work, but nonethelesss asss a well organized group WE, not that trio of laughing idoitsss you call asssitants are the ones to do the work!! ssso make your choice now kitty, Fire me and all the ressst of ussss, and sssolve thisss on your own!! Or try working with ussss. But you had bessst remember if you do sssomething violent to anyone of usss, the ressst will lossse all resssppect and refussse to work, Ssso unlike the hyenasss you cannot bully ussss. Like it or not, WE ARE your PRIDE NOW!!
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Ssso why not everyone cool off and study the scene, look around for things on the ground that do not belong to usss,
"SSScar you look like you have sssomething to sssay??" Kaa narrows his eyes and prepares for the answer to his challange. Will the former King of Beast understand his words, or is he lost in pride forever? Will the others unite with him, The tink
View attachment 4829 ssseems to , but the others are still an unknown. Kaa once more stares at Scar, eye to eye,
"ssshal we all be a team or ssshall we watch asss, what are theyre names. ohhh bother. The three cabelleros you have do your clue gathering and your risk taking?"