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ZAPPED! Nekov made my wife cry

ZAPPED! Nekov made my wife cry


Sir David, Grail Slayer Knight
Rating - 100%
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seattle, wa
Okay so I knew that Vivian (Nekov) was up to something when she asked me if my banner was up to date. I get home today and there is a huge box waiting for me. I take it downstairs to open it since I had an idea of what it might be because of the size of the box. For those of you who don't know, my wife Amy just had her gallbladder removed last monday. So I open the box with her there so she can see what we were zapped. This is what was in the box:

When Amy saw it tears started to flow from her. When I read this card:

I started to tear up. So here is where the wonderful zap is going in our bedroom:

All I can say is thank you so much Vivian!!! You made both of us so happy, what an amazing zap. Btw, you said it was for my wife, but she had a few of the pins from the set so now I have a few traders.

That is going to be a tough one to beat.

Thank you again, you are a sweetheart!!! I sure hope we get a chance to meet up when we come down to Disneyland in April.

You're both very welcome !
I will be at Disneyland in first week of February but not April. But that's ok! One day we'll all meet each other!

You both definitely deserve it ^^
SO Generous. I love our DPF family!

Nekov... Thank you for your kind heart and loving spirit! This is truely a sweet gift.

David.. glad you were able to see her smile!
You're both very welcome !
I will be at Disneyland in first week of February but not April. But that's ok! One day we'll all meet each other!

You both definitely deserve it ^^

What on earth is wrong with you? You should be ashamed of making this poor woman cry!

Be asssssshamed of how AWESOME you are xD!
I don't think anyone could deserve this more than you and your lovely wife. So happy for you! <3

I hope your wife feels better soon. :hug:
I can think of lots of people that deserve it more. :wat: But I am sure glad it was us.

Just an update, on Amy, she told me yesterday that she was starting to feel human again. Is it a coincidence that it is the same day we got this great zap?

She even went shopping with me today. So things are moving along nicely!

Thank you to everybody for their well wishes and concern!!!

You are a great bunch of people.


I don't think anyone could deserve this more than you and your lovely wife. So happy for you! <3

I hope your wife feels better soon. :hug: