New Frozen Pins

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New Frozen Pins
Whoops! I did not know that :lol: I shall edit the post then. Sorry about that folks! Just wanted to share the "good" news lol If you have an FB account, many pages have the image.

I would be very interested in a co-op! I would like Elsa or Anna (mostly Elsa to get her out of the way lol) so if any of you are interested, hit me up! I have a feeling that people are going to be asking for more than the DC set that came out last year at the D23 event :'( Hopefully not :'(

I wish I could help you out Snowie :'( If I happen to find a set at under $400 (which is soooo farfetched right now lol) I'll see if I can organize a co-op ;) There are eight pins so that could be around $50 a pin! Of course more for certain characters, but we can figure something out :D *crossing my fingers*

Thank you so much! I would actually want Kristoff and Sven the most if I were to have to choose two I must have (they are two characters I really loved in the movie- down to earth but a bit awkward at times- that just don't get enough pin love), as the other pin of them is just too expensive. :)

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Hmmm I'd love the whole set but since that's very unlikely to happen all I've thought about since the movie came out was getting a troll pin!! I think the best ones for me are trolls, Sven, kristoff and Elsa any co-op then put me down for a troll :D
I'm hoping to get the Kristoff and Sven ones. The picture of Kristoff in the sorcerer hat looks kind of weird; I'm hoping the actual pin looks better.
Looking for a set also, but if I can get Sven Id be over the moon as I collect Sven pins as he is my fave from the film but wouldnt mind a set.. if anyone gets one and sees anything in my collection you want send me a PM XD
I want go to this event and I was just wondering can only cast members go? Or can they bring someone

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its not an event. its just a regular WDI release. so... they are presold online to CMs only. you might be able to go with a CM to pick them up, but I'm 100% sure they will have sold out by release day.
Dang, well, if anyone happens to get a set for trade, please keep me in mind. :hs:

The art looks nice, so I just hope that the actual product doesn't make them look all wonky or anything.

AND WHERE ARE HANS AND OAKEN?!! :( They would've been great in this set...
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I don't think they will hit 2k, at least not right out of the gate. They're nice but they aren't going to be AS rare as a R/C Rapunzel or something haha.
I am hoping these are not impossible. Going to give it a shot! Good luck to all who are looking. :)

Is there something special about the R/C Rapunzel? Maybe I'm missing something, because I'm reading that as the Revealed/Concealed couples ring that came out this year? If so, isn't that a limited release? :confused:
Is there something special about the R/C Rapunzel? Maybe I'm missing something, because I'm reading that as the Revealed/Concealed couples ring that came out this year? If so, isn't that a limited release? :confused:

No the original Reveal Conceal princess set is pretty rare. It's the ones that look like crests from a few years ago.

Both parks were suppossed to get them but I guess the shipment or somthing never arrived in WDW and then with Tangled being new and the pins being really pretty they all got swooped up. Lots of them went to the public, others went to pin traders but the thing is is that the Rapunzel pin was so rare in the set because it was like a super chaser. It could be in any of the "hidden spots" while the rest were mostly the other half od the princesses/girls.

A lot of people think there's only about 14 - 20 Rapunzel in circulation, and most that people have are damaged or have production errors and flaws. It's the lowest edition Tangled pin so far (if you're not counting aps/pps/).
This set will most definitely NOT hit $2k. I mean, yes they'll be expensive and they have a low LE size, but I doubt even 1 of them will hit Elsa Stained Glass level. She may be LE400, but the reason why people really want Elsa Stained Glass is because, as a pin, it's gorgeous. I've yet to hear one person express that these pins are absolutely stunning. The artwork is cute and if you like Marshmellow or trolls, it's the first pin, but for Olaf, Anna, Kristoff, and Elsa (the most expensive pins), I haven't heard anything rave about them besides "I need them to stay a completionist!"

Likewise, while the trolls and Marshmellow are having their first pin, they won't go as high as Anna or Elsa because in the end, not nearly as many people want them as they do Anna or Elsa. I could see this set hitting a little under $1000 tops when it first comes out, but it will drop after the hype falls since, as pins, they're just okay. The thing to remember is, being LE200, there won't be many left after the hype (unless people charge RIDICULOUS amounts nobody can afford).
This set will most definitely NOT hit $2k. I mean, yes they'll be expensive and they have a low LE size, but I doubt even 1 of them will hit Elsa Stained Glass level. She may be LE400, but the reason why people really want Elsa Stained Glass is because, as a pin, it's gorgeous. I've yet to hear one person express that these pins are absolutely stunning. The artwork is cute and if you like Marshmellow or trolls, it's the first pin, but for Olaf, Anna, Kristoff, and Elsa (the most expensive pins), I haven't heard anything rave about them besides "I need them to stay a completionist!"

Likewise, while the trolls and Marshmellow are having their first pin, they won't go as high as Anna or Elsa because in the end, not nearly as many people want them as they do Anna or Elsa. I could see this set hitting a little under $1000 tops when it first comes out, but it will drop after the hype falls since, as pins, they're just okay. The thing to remember is, being LE200, there won't be many left after the hype (unless people charge RIDICULOUS amounts nobody can afford).

I have to disagree with you. The GSF set is selling for over 1K and it had five pins (you can add the ticket and it would be a little under 2K). This set has eight pins and they are lower editions. I see the entire set going for 2K in a couple of months (or listed immediately by greedy sellers on ebay or on certain social media platforms). Look what happened to the marquee and Elsa stained glass! It went up in value after the DVD came out and when it was official that Frozen was a worldwide success! These are cute pins, but I do see that Elsa pin being just as elusive as the stained glass one because it is a lower LE. PLUS it's an exclusive pin, and not a public one like the GSF. With Frozen being hotter than a Californian desert, any Frozen pin will sell for more than Tangled ones :hs:
I have to disagree with you. The GSF set is selling for over 1K and it had five pins (you can add the ticket and it would be a little under 2K). This set has eight pins and they are lower editions. I see the entire set going for 2K in a couple of months (or listed immediately by greedy sellers on ebay or on certain social media platforms). Look what happened to the marquee and Elsa stained glass! It went up in value after the DVD came out and when it was official that Frozen was a worldwide success! These are cute pins, but I do see that Elsa pin being just as elusive as the stained glass one because it is a lower LE. PLUS it's an exclusive pin, and not a public one like the GSF. With Frozen being hotter than a Californian desert, any Frozen pin will sell for more than Tangled ones :hs:

That is the key reason why I think this set won't come close to the GSF set in terms of selling per pin: the hype (and cause, let's be honest, they're not as nice). The Frozen GSF set has the same story as the WiR and Tangled DSF set; they did well, but blossomed after the DVD came out. Why did they do SO well after the DVD came out? Simple, all the pins were already in collectors hands so there were only 100 or so on the market and people had to fight for them after they realized what they were missing out on (the dolls also shot up).

Look at every LE WiR pin that has come out ever since the DSF set, not one has ever done as well as any pin in the original set (or the pins) which all came out before WiR became popular. The reason being, after it became popular, it was too late to get them back and those who had them weren't letting them go. Heck, every LE Tangled pin has never done as well as those that came out before Tangled got popular (marquee, R/C, Designer, Compcat all came out before Tangled was big and no Tangled pin ever hit as high as those 4 did).

That combined with what always kills pin values: hype. Hype has hurt nearly every big GSF release since Frozen and every big PTD after it comes out. They always start higher than they end up. Look at all the big recent PTDs and the Mali pins, every pin sold for really high when it first came on the market and now sells for less. Now that a lot of people are greedier, they are charging more than they can get and everyone is rushing to get rid of their stuff ASAP in fear of not making as much as the next guy. It's great for buyers, but terrible when a pin first comes out.

I'm not saying that it's guaranteed that these won't do as well, but with history, the greedy sellers, and the big killer "hype" (which this set already has had so much of, people are offering $700 on Fb without even seeing the pins in real life, they just want them to have them at all costs, that mindset is the definition of hype) are making this set look like every single set that has ever come out after a movie became the "big" thing, it will be big, but it won't be AS big as what people are hoping for (which I bet people are gonna expect about $300-400 a pin...not gonna happen).
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