New Frozen Pins
Whoops! I did not know that :lol: I shall edit the post then. Sorry about that folks! Just wanted to share the "good" news lol If you have an FB account, many pages have the image.
I would be very interested in a co-op! I would like Elsa or Anna (mostly Elsa to get her out of the way lol) so if any of you are interested, hit me up! I have a feeling that people are going to be asking for more than the DC set that came out last year at the D23 event :'( Hopefully not :'(
I wish I could help you out Snowie :'( If I happen to find a set at under $400 (which is soooo farfetched right now lol) I'll see if I can organize a co-opThere are eight pins so that could be around $50 a pin! Of course more for certain characters, but we can figure something out
*crossing my fingers*
Thank you so much! I would actually want Kristoff and Sven the most if I were to have to choose two I must have (they are two characters I really loved in the movie- down to earth but a bit awkward at times- that just don't get enough pin love), as the other pin of them is just too expensive.

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