Ha just saw your post mojoscout. I think its all about taking the time to look for deals on here and the forum. I have found some amazing deals on DPF, and if I'm quick enough, I snag them up. I also find great deals on ebay from time to time. There are some deals I have to pass up, just because I can't afford it, but sharing is caring
To be honest, this is a super expensive hobby for me. A lot of my wants are harder to find pins or lower editions, so when I find them I usually have to pay an arm and a leg for them. However, if you find deals on traders then you may be able to trade for them. I usually just buy them straight out, since I find it harder to trade for my wants.
I think the best advice I can give is just go after the pins you like, and look around to find the best prices. Sometimes you will find good deals, sometimes you may have to spend a little extra to get a harder to find pin, but just make sure you love the pin and you are happy with spending x amount of dollars on it. I have spent a small fortune on these pins (I have yet to upload the first post with 15 new LE pins I've purchased recently) but I only purchase them when my budget affords it. In the end, just make sure you are having fun and love the pins you have, and it is a great hobby.
And just like anyone else, I go through dry spells as well. I have months were I buy tons of pins, and I also have months where I sell some pins and stop buying pins. Just go at your own pace, and buy what you love and can afford, and make it fun for YOU. Hope that helps and if you ever need any advice feel free to personal message me
Thanks for your great compliments and I hope you find some great Little Mermaid or NBC pins. If you add your pinpics, I can try to look out for some of your wants if you'd like.