DSF Line UPDATE! 1/30/13
Maybe you could if you run really fast like a chocobo, Chocobo ^_^ (I had to lol)
:bigthumb: ha i should have seen that comming :]
Maybe you could if you run really fast like a chocobo, Chocobo ^_^ (I had to lol)
and here i was thinking i could show up tomorrow after work (8p.m) and figured i could get a decent spot in line
silly me :facepalm:
About 26 people here
Something tells me Kevin PTD will make an appearance in the next 72 hours. Anyone wanna wager on that? Watch it be early am Saturday and he sells out ASAP.
Something tells me Kevin PTD will make an appearance in the next 72 hours. Anyone wanna wager on that? Watch it be early am Saturday and he sells out ASAP.
But I ended up not posting it, because the ridiculousness of this is mind-blowing. No matter what management thinks, this is not good business. Are people really happy with DSF or do they feel forced into crazy? I've never attended a release, but I have DSF pins, but I am seriously starting to rethink how many more pins I want from there. Just on principle. This is not how you treat your valued customers. Sports teams, ticket sellers, have figured out a system that limits chaos. They don't have to invent the wheel here. And oh yeah, increase the edition sizes!
dude I could not agree with you. This is BS complete and utter BS now some people are sleeping out there for...two nights. If you ask me switching it up all of a sudden ONLY benefits the profiteers people who have no jobs or other responsibilities. Think of it like this what if people were really excited cuz they got off at 3-4 pm Thursday they could just head on over. Now they can't do that at all! I mean heck maybe if they posted the correct info two weeks ago like you suggested then maybe they could call and get work off now all of a sudden changing it no way they can get time off!I'm just really annoyed at how they changed the rules at the last minute. Seriously. Two days ago they said no lining up til 6 PM on Thursday. Now, one day before the release, they decide to change the rules. That's really inconsiderate of them to do. Getting people's hopes up at getting the pins two days before, and then the day before crushing their hopes is not cool at allPlease, DSF, PLEASE make rules at LEAST 2 weeks in advance of a release date and STICK to them!! This way traders will know if they can or can't make it well in advance and can set up trades and/or pre purchases accordingly. Also, why not just give out all of the wristbands on Friday at 7 AM!? That's just wrong to make people wait another 12 hours. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be number 76. What if you HAD to leave by 8 AM and somehow you didn't make the first 75 but you were in the first 150? You would have pretty much waited all night for nothing. That'd be the worst!! Plus, DSF staff wouldn't have to babysit the line! Everyone would win!
stitch are you lying? please dont freak us up.
97 in line. People who ordered pre sales. Better call your dealers!