Final DSF PTD is Tiana/Naveen 9.28.13
I liked Gonzo >:
Gonzo was a well designed PTD, and I'm glad we have him. This one... just looks wrong.
Taking into account the actual size of Sully, (say, 7 ft. tall?), those must be one big dish, and a good 50 tubs' worth of ice cream!
I retract my previous statement. When he first came out, I could've sworn people were complaining haha.
They were... Don't hate on the Alien Muppet!
Wonder how well this one is selling?
Looks like Sulley PTD is making the change tomorrow.
Oooohhhh! I'd love to get that for my mom! She loves Mary Poppins!
Hey... didn't YoSoyAhPuch predict/wish for that one?
So do I and so does my Mom! :lol: This is getting weird!haha.
And its really cute! Thank you Steve!
So do I and so does my Mom! :lol: This is getting weird!haha.