ZAPPED! Thank you to my DPF family, Birthday and zap fest lots of pix!!!
Dear members of my DPF family, I am truly honored and humbled at the love that all of you continue to show us. This is the only community of any kind I have ever joined and we are so happy to be part of this wonderful group of people. I am always amazed at the love and kindness that you people give us.
Since this has been a week of riches in both zaps and birthday goodies I will show everything in one post so as not to take up a hole page to myself. So sit down, grab some popcorn and your favorite beverage because this might take a while. Yes it has been that kind of week.
Zaps first.
So I need to provide a little bit of a back story with the first one (I did tell you to get popcorn, didn't I). A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to have Allison (ahasearcy) email me about a possible trade. We agreed to a trade and she mentioned she has a 3 year old son that she is starting on pin trading early. Being the Grail Slayer I had to send him a couple extra pins. She had me send the package to him. So a few days later she emails me and tells me that her son got the package before she did and he found the extra pins and is carrying them around with him. She sent me a picture of him holding them. Let me tell you, he is an adorable kid and I love the picture. I am always happy when I can make somebody else happy. I found out she is on here so I offered to make her some buttons. She said she only wanted 2 for her son and daughter. Well me being me, I also made her one but I also made her a special one with that picture on it and sent it to them. I did the buttons for a pin since they won't be able to be at Disneyland when we are and when I received that package inside was a very special card:
So I found out that this is the first time he has written anything and that Allison took a picture of it and I am now in his baby book. How freakin cool is that? Please keep in mind I did mention he is 3. :hs:
Here is the little cutie
Also some time back I won an auction from Lisa (Averysfairytale) I got that package this week and what did I find? Well the auction pin of course, but a note, "David, thank you for being you! I hope you and Amy enjoy the little extras. :hs: Lisa". Little extras?

Yes Lisa, we love the "little" extras. Thank you so much!!!
Tony (Tbird) was also very kind and decided to zap us like crazy. His note "Hey David, I just wanted to send you and your wife a few pins to say thanks for all the nice things you do for everyone else on the DPF. Thanks again, Tony (Tbird).

Thank you so much Tony!!!
It appears that great minds think alike. Tony and Lisa both thought I needed that awesome Mulan pin. Thank you both!!!
I was also part of AmySchweppe's pin game. I received some great DSF pins and a couple of zaps that were really nice!!!

and the Sorcerer Stitch and Scrump that is now on Amy's Stitch board
Ooppps I forgot to mention this one. Sarah (IadoreWDW) was kind enough to pick me up a pin from the UK so that I could zap somebody with it. She decided that it was so nice of me to do that she thought I should get a zap also.
Thank you for both helping me zap and for zapping me!!!
Now for what my sneaky daughter (Kirsten) arranged for me (I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree on that child). Kirsten decided to pm a bunch of you and set me up to send me cards and gifts for my birthday. I had received a card from Darlene and Nina (Rocke01) a fes days before my bithday and didn't think anything of it at first. But then I started to ask myself how did they know about my birthday? Hmmm.
My birthday like so many of us' birthdays involved having to work. Not a bad day, but nothing extra ordinary either. At least until I got home and checked the anything goes section. There was a post about it being my birthday. Now how the heck did that happen? Alex was nice enough to start it for me. Thank you squirt!!! How did she know?
Kirsten had been telling me how I was going to cry when I opened my present from her. What she didn't realize is that by telling me that I was able to go into it with a different mind set then what she had hoped for. I kept telling her I wouldn't cry. She kept telling me that if she had to kick me in a particular place that I would cry one way or another. :lol: She made me a wonderful taco casserole dinner. Then it was time to open my presents.
This is what was in the box that I soon found out is from some of you wonderful people:
The bag on the upper right hand side also had candy in it, but that didn't last long. :lol:
This one I got today from Nate:
Finally this is what my pain in the *** kids spent way too much money on:
No I didn't cry that night and I protected my goodies so no harm came to them. Please don't tell my daughter that I did cry when as I am thinking about all of the kindness you all have shown me and my family as I write this.
Thank you to everybody who has ever decided I was worthy of being zapped. I am so proud to be able to call you all family!!!
Now a very special thank you to a few people.
Kristine (Psycho Pixie) you were so kind to me and Amy long before I ever knew of this wonderful place. We were just a couple of pin traders from Seattle who you took the time to trade with and were so generous with us that you made a lasting impression that I think you might just now be getting the idea on how much we love you. It is a great story about how you should always trade nicely with people because you just never know what an impact you are going to have on somebody. You will always have a special place in our hearts!!! It is also the reason I trade like I do in person. I can only hope that I have that kind of effect on somebody down the road!!!
Judy(tigger_mickey) I do have to say this, you drive me crazy with all of the tape you use. If we ever do meet I might have to smack you before I give you the biggest hug you ever have received. You are the first person to invite me to come to this magical place. I can't thank you enough for that!!! But if you are going to use that much tape, quit telling us to be careful opening it. That just is not possible.
Mahrii my sweet Mahrii, without you I would have never found out what fun the pin auctions are and I would have never been quite so sucked in here. You have always been so kind to me, I can't ever thank you enough.
Finally Carissa (Romancing_Train) because of you and the wonderful RAK attacks you started and decided that I was to become one of the victims to, I have become the Grail Slayer. Before you I would have never thought that sending zaps to people could be so moving and so much fun.
It is because of you 4 in particular that I am the pin trader that I am today. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
Thank you to my DPF family. You have made my birthday and time pin trading very special!!!
Since this has been a week of riches in both zaps and birthday goodies I will show everything in one post so as not to take up a hole page to myself. So sit down, grab some popcorn and your favorite beverage because this might take a while. Yes it has been that kind of week.
Zaps first.
So I need to provide a little bit of a back story with the first one (I did tell you to get popcorn, didn't I). A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to have Allison (ahasearcy) email me about a possible trade. We agreed to a trade and she mentioned she has a 3 year old son that she is starting on pin trading early. Being the Grail Slayer I had to send him a couple extra pins. She had me send the package to him. So a few days later she emails me and tells me that her son got the package before she did and he found the extra pins and is carrying them around with him. She sent me a picture of him holding them. Let me tell you, he is an adorable kid and I love the picture. I am always happy when I can make somebody else happy. I found out she is on here so I offered to make her some buttons. She said she only wanted 2 for her son and daughter. Well me being me, I also made her one but I also made her a special one with that picture on it and sent it to them. I did the buttons for a pin since they won't be able to be at Disneyland when we are and when I received that package inside was a very special card:

So I found out that this is the first time he has written anything and that Allison took a picture of it and I am now in his baby book. How freakin cool is that? Please keep in mind I did mention he is 3. :hs:
Here is the little cutie

Also some time back I won an auction from Lisa (Averysfairytale) I got that package this week and what did I find? Well the auction pin of course, but a note, "David, thank you for being you! I hope you and Amy enjoy the little extras. :hs: Lisa". Little extras?
Yes Lisa, we love the "little" extras. Thank you so much!!!
Tony (Tbird) was also very kind and decided to zap us like crazy. His note "Hey David, I just wanted to send you and your wife a few pins to say thanks for all the nice things you do for everyone else on the DPF. Thanks again, Tony (Tbird).
Thank you so much Tony!!!
It appears that great minds think alike. Tony and Lisa both thought I needed that awesome Mulan pin. Thank you both!!!
I was also part of AmySchweppe's pin game. I received some great DSF pins and a couple of zaps that were really nice!!!
and the Sorcerer Stitch and Scrump that is now on Amy's Stitch board

Ooppps I forgot to mention this one. Sarah (IadoreWDW) was kind enough to pick me up a pin from the UK so that I could zap somebody with it. She decided that it was so nice of me to do that she thought I should get a zap also.
Thank you for both helping me zap and for zapping me!!!
Now for what my sneaky daughter (Kirsten) arranged for me (I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree on that child). Kirsten decided to pm a bunch of you and set me up to send me cards and gifts for my birthday. I had received a card from Darlene and Nina (Rocke01) a fes days before my bithday and didn't think anything of it at first. But then I started to ask myself how did they know about my birthday? Hmmm.
My birthday like so many of us' birthdays involved having to work. Not a bad day, but nothing extra ordinary either. At least until I got home and checked the anything goes section. There was a post about it being my birthday. Now how the heck did that happen? Alex was nice enough to start it for me. Thank you squirt!!! How did she know?
Kirsten had been telling me how I was going to cry when I opened my present from her. What she didn't realize is that by telling me that I was able to go into it with a different mind set then what she had hoped for. I kept telling her I wouldn't cry. She kept telling me that if she had to kick me in a particular place that I would cry one way or another. :lol: She made me a wonderful taco casserole dinner. Then it was time to open my presents.
This is what was in the box that I soon found out is from some of you wonderful people:

The bag on the upper right hand side also had candy in it, but that didn't last long. :lol:

This one I got today from Nate:

Finally this is what my pain in the *** kids spent way too much money on:

No I didn't cry that night and I protected my goodies so no harm came to them. Please don't tell my daughter that I did cry when as I am thinking about all of the kindness you all have shown me and my family as I write this.
Thank you to everybody who has ever decided I was worthy of being zapped. I am so proud to be able to call you all family!!!
Now a very special thank you to a few people.
Kristine (Psycho Pixie) you were so kind to me and Amy long before I ever knew of this wonderful place. We were just a couple of pin traders from Seattle who you took the time to trade with and were so generous with us that you made a lasting impression that I think you might just now be getting the idea on how much we love you. It is a great story about how you should always trade nicely with people because you just never know what an impact you are going to have on somebody. You will always have a special place in our hearts!!! It is also the reason I trade like I do in person. I can only hope that I have that kind of effect on somebody down the road!!!
Judy(tigger_mickey) I do have to say this, you drive me crazy with all of the tape you use. If we ever do meet I might have to smack you before I give you the biggest hug you ever have received. You are the first person to invite me to come to this magical place. I can't thank you enough for that!!! But if you are going to use that much tape, quit telling us to be careful opening it. That just is not possible.
Mahrii my sweet Mahrii, without you I would have never found out what fun the pin auctions are and I would have never been quite so sucked in here. You have always been so kind to me, I can't ever thank you enough.
Finally Carissa (Romancing_Train) because of you and the wonderful RAK attacks you started and decided that I was to become one of the victims to, I have become the Grail Slayer. Before you I would have never thought that sending zaps to people could be so moving and so much fun.
It is because of you 4 in particular that I am the pin trader that I am today. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
Thank you to my DPF family. You have made my birthday and time pin trading very special!!!
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