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DSF At-Cost Pickups

DSF At-Cost Pickups
Grandmother Fa - 3


1. MerlinEmrys
2. disneykins
3. GrumpyDad
4. starry_solo
5. Vixy
6. disneymagic
7. bcol
8. speedwaystar1
9. MomeRathsOutgrabe
10. Tokaji
11. tinawap
12. julie78

Georgette - 1


1. disneykins
2. speedwaystar1
3. Dalamara
4. teddy_ruxpin
5. Grumpydad
6. julie78

Bill the Lizard - 1


1. disneykins
2. Addicted to Alice Pins
3. Connies_Hobby
4. Vixy
5. hopemax
6. Tokaji
7. Dalamara
8. teddy_ruxpin
9. Grumpydad
10. julie78
11. SoraPandora

Congrats, winners! The Georgette and Bill lists are closed, but Grandmother Fa is still available. If you are currently entered for her and didn't win, you are still on the list for future drawings.
I went to the Double Feature last night and really enjoyed it . . . and I love the new short "piper".

What does the sundae pin look like? I'm having trouble locating a picture.
Finding Dory was pretty good! I think that it was somewhat repetitive, and I think I liked the first one a bit better (it seemed like there was something missing from this one, but I can't put my finger on exactly what), but overall it was a pretty solid sequel. Pretty much all of the characters are likeable. I was really afraid that the otters were going to be the annoying "cutesy mob of characters" of this movie (think the Minions in Despicable Me, snowgies in Frozen Fever, etc.), but they were used sparingly and effectively enough that I rather enjoyed them. Gerald is the freakin' best, though!

tokaji - do you mean the VIP ticket pin or the Now Playing sundae pin? I won't have any VIP ticket pins available, but I am taking regular signups for the Now Playing sundae pin, as those always last for a few weeks.


Sundae pin is on the left.

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You're welcome, everyone. Thank you all for providing my supply of ice cream (and my roomies thank you too on days when I'm ice creamed out)! ;)

By Dory PTD do you mean the Now Playing sundae pin? Sure thing. That pin is just a regular first-come-first-served pickup, not a drawing, since they're LE1000 and always last awhile. Will add you to the list.
Hi Tessa! Could you please add me to the list for 1 Finding Dory Now Playing pin. Also, if you are able to get another Grandmother Fa PTD I would love to be in the drawing. Thanks so much! :)
Please put me down for a Dory sundae pin as well (always happy to fund someone's ice-cream!) . :) and Finding Dory "Now Playing at El Capitan" - $13.63 ($12.50 + $1.13 tax).

Lists updated.

Pickup update: got xdattax and disneykins' Dory Now Playing sundae pins. Also got two Grandmother PTDs, so here come the drawings:

1. MerlinEmrys
2. disneykins
3. GrumpyDad
4. Vixy
5. disneymagic
6. bcol
7. MomeRathsOutgrabe
8. tinawap
9. lweber907


Congrats disneykins and Grumpydad! I'm going to El Cap with some friends tomorrow, so if I can talk them into getting ice cream I can hopefully get more than one Grandmother PTD.
Congrats, guys! :D

Tessa, I managed to get a Grandmother Fa, so you can take me off the list. :3 thanks for everything you do!

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!

No dice on the multiples today, but I was able to get one Dory sundae pin for coops and Grandmother for the list drawing. I'll do the drawing tomorrow since I only have mobile access tonight.