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DSF At-Cost Pickups

DSF At-Cost Pickups
Pickup update: got caw caw's Up calendar yesterday.

Availability update: we have a flip! Not Inside Out (c'mon, DSF, I *know* they're coming! Rip off that band-aid already!), but not a bad mix of characters at all. I have a feeling this is going to be a relatively quick sell out.


I will be keeping Djali and Hiro from my pickup today, and will probably keep Gopher from my pickup tomorrow, so the second one I pick up tomorrow will be the one that has the most requests.
I know you don't ship to UK addresses so I am here simply to say I will give a large fragment of my soul to any person who would consider trading me a Djali! xD
Omg, can I be in the drawing for Hiro, please?

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Lists updated.

I will be doing a mailing run tonight for those who have paid this past week.

Pickup update: Yesterday I got an Up calendar for YAY3!, Gopher for myself, and a Hiro for the drawing.


1. kairi08
2. raikipins
3. Yay3!
4. disneykins
5. bookhugger
6. starry_solo
7. disneymagic
8. mickeymousje
9. julie78


Congrats kairi!
Tessa, dear! If you happen to do a drawing for the surprise Petes Dragon marquee, I would love to be in the mix for it. :3

And in other news, if you wouldn't mind taking me off the Maleficent list? I think my budget is already tight, and I'm hoping for that marquee. Hahah! Thanks for everything you do!! :D


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Lists updated. Yes, I will be open lists for drawings for the Pete's Dragon release, though with people being able to buy two at a time, it may sell out before I can get there.

Availability update: WALL-E calendar is sold out, and Hiro is as well. I haven't been for a few days to know if either of the other two PTDs have sold out, but I will be going back tonight.

Pickup update: got Djali and Gopher for the thread, as well as Poohlady's Up calendar.


1. speedwaystar1
2. kairi08
3. Loomi
4. disneykins
5. teddy_ruxpin
6. julie78
7. YAY3!


Congrats kairi08!


1. unibear
2. disneykins
3. teddy_ruxpin
4. julie78


Congrats unibear!
Added Haunted to the character block lists.

Just got word that the marquee sold out. The badges were still there as of half an hour ago, not sure if they still will be when I get there.