I find it HILARIOUS some people are like "oh yeah can't wait to collect Frozen" and then can't even spell the characters' names right? Like, if that isn't ridiculous hyping, I don't know what is. You clearly aren't interested in the movie if you don't even know the character's names.... just saying.
I'm interested in collecting Elsa, but really only Elsa by herself. But so far I haven't seen any I like, other than that one starter pack pin. I would also be interested in Hans but so far...nothing! I know I will love Anna and Kristoph too, but I think a lot of Anna's designs are repetitive thus far, so I'm not too interested as of right now. The dolls on the other hand are another story. I'm dying to have them!!
I totally get what you're saying... still happens even with Tangled! Not Repunzel or Rapunzal or even Rapunzell...
Rapunzel, ladies and gentlemen! <3
Also, not Yasmin, Jazmin or Jasmin either, yeesh. :lol:
I am sooo excited for the Frozen LE dolls, though! Ahhhh, I can't wait! >.< I am so insanely jealous of you Alex, besides the leaked pics of Elsa, we ain't seen nada... why is Disney hiding Anna away so well!? She is my favourite! <3
Anyways, back on topic! ^_^ I don't plan on being a Frozen completist by any means (yet.... :lol

but I do want a few nice pins to represent Frozen within my collection... like the marquee and maybe the Jumbo pin coming out soon too ^_^
If I like her enough, I may collect Anna by herself... compared to Elsa she's so warm looking, I think that's what I don't like about Elsa (don't get me wrong though, I still love her looks!)... she's so cold, but then again that's the point. :lol: Haha! I can't wait to see how the pins pan out though, personally I think it MIGHT become another Brave
(Disclaimer: I FREAKING ADORE BRAVE WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!) because honestly, nothing looks like it's gonna stop Tangled anytime soon... only add to it :lol: Is it me or is UP not even on par with Tangled recently?! :lol: