View attachment 4641"The picturesss of myssself and Jasssmine can quiet easssily be explained, although I can tell by the expressssionsss on sssome of your facesss that no matter what I sssay you wont believe me, that isss of courssse for you to decide.
YEsss i did sssee jasssmine earlier today, We were together for sssome time, and yesss ssshe did get rather clossse asss you can tell by the photographsss, Albeit they really dont do me jussstice, my bad ssside dont you think?
Im sssorry I sssidetracked didnt i ?
Asss i wasss sssaying the meeting wasss purely innocent, Now Basssil, really a raisssed eyebrow with any real sssussspicion, one would think we were back in the day again! Pleassse try not to dissstract me, CL is very anxiousss to hear thisss , asss are some of the othersss, I can tell becaussse sssuch a ssstringent effort wasss made to make me confessss."
"The truth, and may Princessss Jasssminesss kind and benevolent sssoul forgive me for betraying her now to you, jussst to prove myssself innocent, I hope when I am done you all feel sssatisssfied,!!" this last was hissed out not in anger but sadness and resentment,
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"Perhapsss my fellow dectectivesss had failed to realize thisss,but of all the princessssesss non were asss clossse to animalsss of the jungle asss Jasssmine. Ssshe of all you humansss, actually lissstened and took the time to underssstand me, We would ssspend hoursss in her gardensss in Agraba, after all it isss only a ssshort trip acrossss the desssert from my jungle home and her gardensss are the finessst homesss to many, many exotic creaturesss, All of whom lived in peace and tranquility with our near angleic freind caring for usss. Ssso the day came when I could FINALLY pay back some of the great kindnessss!he sighs remembering a day of bliss in his exsistance long gone and now never repeatable. "Ssshe had ssshown unto me, I would not hesssitate to do anything for her,"
"Pleassse Jasmine, I have to tell them," he looked skyward, and a single tear rolled down from his large spinning eye.
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" I hypnotized Jasssmine to help her loossse weight before her wedding with Aladdin!!. My ssskillsss as a hypnotissst are fairly well known though out my homeland," he shot a glance at Aurora and sneered just the tiniest touch,
"Here they are begining to be known asss well, partially due to my dearessst departed freind. Ssshe hasss ssspread the word of my talentsss and actually contacted other princessss that needed my help."
" Here are some other pictures for you sssenssssationalissst typesss detectivesss,
Me helping Belle quit sssmoking,
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Ssshe wasss up to 5 Cuban havannas a day , and Beast wasss threatening to have her exiled from the cassstle groundsss if ssshe didnt quit. Ssshe could not quit without my help, In only a week, ssshe was cured, NO nicotine. The marraige wasss sssaved and I have a ssstanding invite for their cassstle becuassse of it, You Sssnowy there, go ahead pic up your Ipod and call her, verify my truth!!
Here I am with Ariel,
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My ssskillsss helped her to overcome her ssstuttering. OhH I sssee you didnt know ssshe had a ssstuttering problem did you? OF courssse not !!!! My treatmentsss cured her, ssso a life of being kept cooped up in a cassstle would not be hersss. Ssshe communicatesss freely with her sssubjectsss and her freindsss, without fear of rejection or ssscorn, becuassse I helped her. Did you think I ssspent all that time with thessse women for another reason?"
"Asss many of you know paying the billsss with detective work, even on the forcess, less than generouss sssalary in the jungle, doesssnt leave much extra for the frillsss in life. But Jasssmine had opened a whole new income venue for me. With what I made from her and the other princessssesss I was begining to open an entire franchissse of Kaa Clinicsss worldwide , having already hired Mr McDucksss firm as my accountantsss, Ssshere Khan for legal represssentation,and I even went ssso far asss to sssecure a spot here in the MK between Harringtonsss
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and the Party Grasss shop.
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So you tell me why would one, maybe the only one, who hasss ever done anything but good for me in my life be the sssubject of my wrath?" Kaa turns his back and with a slight sniffel, slinks off to the courtyard leaving CL and the other detectives standing in shock.