I'm sure this won't apply to anyone else but me....
For the past 3 years, I've primarily collected Mickey alone... Minnie alone... and the Mickey Icons. After a while, you miss some of the variety and different colors, even! I found that I had acquired one of the PTD pins that was the Minnie one holding the ice cream cone. (now wishing I had 2...one for each board...) Anyway, I was looking at it and realized how adorable it was with the ice cream, etc, and thought how fun it would be to have a collection of those pins!
I started looking into it and after the 2nd pin, I was totally hooked! My excitement rose to where it was when I very first started collecting pins! I'm obsessed with them and like in Pokemon (or so my kids tell me) I "gotta catch 'em all"!!! I'm headed to Hobby Lobby to buy a pink framed cork board and then I'm going to cover the cork with mint green fabric to set off the ice cream.

When all the ones I've purchased over the past couple of days arrive, they will have out-grown my 12x12 cork board, so I need a new one. These are prominently displayed in my bedroom... I just love looking at them! There are some I may never get like Rapunzel and Pascal, but maybe someday....
Basically, they flat-out make me happy. Who doesn't like ice cream????
So, that's my story...and I'm stickin' to it. (get it??? ice cream??? sticky??? stickin'???) Sorry for the bad pun.