I'd like to give my 2¢ if I may.
Personally, I'm not a fan of pre-sales. I think in many cases, it's just borderline stealing as many promises are not followed through on both sides of the sales. I also feel it contributes to the mad rush at DSF and to the recent PODM. Even though I live near DSF, I've never gone to a release, mostly due to my job. I've almost gone recently, but I feel there has definitely risen up a subculture of the Pin Trading Community who feel DSF is there personal domain and unless you are a regular, you shouldn't invade their turf. I do realize that is only a small percentage of the people who regularly go to these things, but some of them are the most vocal on the boards. I do think its a darn shame that most DSF and even WDI pins are sold rather than traded within the pin collecting hobby, but I think that's a whole different discussion.
In regards to drama on the boards, I feel much of it should be allowed to happen, to a certain degree. In any hobby, you have good people, and you have bad people. The only way to find out who the bad people are is by talking about it. I've posted elsewhere that I feelthe recent DSF release really exposed the character of a lot of people. But by not being able to talk about it, the bad behavior can stay hidden from others. But if we don't talk about it and expose what went on, the bad behavior will just continue.
In my opinion, it should be common knowledge who the resellers are, who the gougers are, who the cliques are and who the truly nice people are. We should know who the good and bad ebay sellers are and who they are on any forum about Pin Trading. If people are doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to be worried about. Bad behavior persists because people know they can get away with it. People can be horrible at a release, but then come on the boards and be anonymous or sell on eBay and people buy from them not knowing the kind of behavior they exhibited to get the pin. Sometimes a public shaming is just what a person needs to change the way they act.
Now I'm not advocating that every personal issue get dragged up on the boards, but when we have releases that get out of hand like the recent DSF release or the Beauty and the Beast PODM, I think it's important to call out those that behaved poorly. How else do we hold each other accountable in this community?
As for closing threads, I think the mods did the right thing when they closed the threads during the last DSF release. Passions were being flamed and there was a clear us vs them mentality going on. By shutting down discussion until after the release, I think it helped cool the situation down. We were then able to post once the release took place. However, I do not agree with the continued closing of threads that is still happening everytime a DSF thread starts. And it nearly is always someone who was at the release who asks for it to be closed. Why? If it was that bad and has such bad memories for you, don't read the thread. But I feel people here have every right to talk about it if they want to. Again, I think many want them closed to conceal the bad behavior. Discussion needs to be allowed to flow freely, within reason (curse words are never acceptable and folks need to remember this is an all ages board so sexual discussion/innuendo of any type should not take place).
For the most part, I've really enjoyed the boards here. I've interacted with some really great people. But I've also had my share of attacks (once for a misunderstood question I had asked that someone took offense to and another time I was called out for apparently sending out bad trade request - but in that last case I had to consider the source - sometime you just can't argue with stupid.) Have had some good experiences with Zaps, both that I've sent and the one I received, and I've had some bad experiences with zaps I've sent (if you get zapped, please at least thank the person who zapped you). Some on the boards are more problematic than they think they are, others are more helpful than anyone ever gives them credit.
The boards can be a lot of fun if we discuss freely, interact with more people outside of those you normally interact with (lets break up some of these cliques, folks), and get back to trading more than selling.
Anyway, just my opinion.
Tried this once but got an infraction and over a year of side-kick idiotic attacks and attempted adult bullying at pin events. Bullies don't like to be called out or they will focus on you and hope you wither away. I don't back down and a few out there don't like me because of it. I speak my mind and it usually ends up upsetting people speak openly about.
I was pretty new on here when I first called someone out for sharky behavior. Most of the online forums I am on, I don't have to actually go see these people. Pin trading I have to go see these people, multiple times a month. I had written off trading with them long ago from my own observation of their tactics, but now they try to spread to everyone else that I'm the bad guy. If you meet me in person and talk to me for 5 minutes you're gonna see I'm just a normal guy that likes pin trading. I don't mind helping new people know where to go, what to expect, etc. I also have NO issues pointing out the people that I have personally seen take advantage of people, take advantage of the system, ask tourists to buy LE pins for them, pay homeless people, people that resell, etc. But I always tell people, they can trade with whomever they want, just watch yourself around some. My opinion is most normal people would appreciate a polite warning. My opinion is also that the manipulators don't like it because that's another potential victim tipped off to their behavior.
So now I'm stuck putting up with childish taunting at pretty much every release. Name calling, finger pointing, laughing, fake punching or kicking in my direction, giggles, actual verbal threats. It's so childish and stupid it's almost comical to see what they will do next. Although, it is very telling when you see people you thought were nice or friendly yet they laugh at the stupid jokes. Or join in on the fun. It is what feeds into the us vs. them mentality, the sellers vs. the traders, the new breed vs. the old, the cool kids club vs. the whomevers. It became painfully obvious that you can't call them out because they are stuck in jr. high and either they, or their slimy friends, or the newbies that latch onto them, have no common sense or moral values. You can't reason with them. Calling them out just gives them a target for their misplaced rage. So I'll continue to be the guy they don't like. I am fine not being their friends. I am fine not bullying people, or taking advantage of new traders, or being rude to CM's, or whatever else they pass off as normal behavior. But learn from me, it's easier just to completely ignore them. That is what they want anyways. They want to just be left to their evil devices to make sure they get more money or a better advantage or take a great pin from a beginner trader who doesn't know what they have.
I don't think DSF belongs to any group. Everyone has the same right and the same chance to go there and buy their stuff. But the nicer people are less and less and continue to just stay away. They stopped dealing with it. Problem is, those nicer people were the ones that actually traded and didn't just hoard pins to sell. DSF is offering pins that are sold WAY under market value and they are attracting attention from people that are desparate enough for money that they may start a fight over it. Most of them don't have pins to trade and they aren't buying the pins to trade, they just want to come and exploit our hobby for the money. So I'm one of the ones standing up for what I believe is right. Others agree but aren't as vocal. But like I said, it's ok with me. We each have our own opinion. I may not agree with yours, but you are entitled to it.
I never ask for threads to be closed. I honestly wish people would stand up for themselves and for others and post how they feel more, but my own experience is probably enough proof that it's more hassle than it's worth. Nice in theory, proved otherwise.