What exactly is a grail anyway????
Pixie, correct every one can have a difference of opinion when it comes to specifics of the word "Grail", what it means to them, and they should be able to of course.
Now as a general term here on our forum when we think of a grail we are looking for the pin to be valued at least $300 with a ratio of over 300 people wanting. It should definitely be an LE if not it is a public pin and possibly thousands of them made.
Here is a pin of what our DPF community should consider as a good example of a grail (other pins with similiar criteria as I mentioned would fall in same category)
It's Limited Edition to 100 - 3 people are trading it - 341 people wanting it - it easily sells in the multi-hundred dollar bracket
Pin 39958: Disney Auctions - Elizabeth Gomes Signature Series (Sleeping Beauty)
Hence folks a grail pin.
This one is mine.