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DSF At-Cost Pickups

After going through all the pins I've picked up and the ones allotted, I have one Dory Now Playing and three Grandmother Fas. Dory Now Playing goes to the next one on the list, lweber907. Here is the drawing for the three Grandmothers.


1. Vixy
2. disneymagic
3. bcol
4. MomeRathsOutgrabe
5. tinawap
6. lweber907
When I went today to do pickups they were down to no exchanges on Grandmother, which means the PTDs should flip very soon, possibly tomorrow (hopefully as close to 5pm as possible, so I have a shot at getting to DSF before one sells out). I will take names for random drawing lists for the three, and do drawings from the lists as I go.

- If you have a confirmed order from me and want to join the new lists, I will hold off on invoicing you until either your name is drawn or the PTD(s) you sign up for sell out.

- If you have a confirmed order and do not want to enter the new PTD lists, please let me know so I can send you your order total and payment info.
Gotcha. I won't be taking signups until they flip and we know for sure what characters are released, but that lets me know to hold off sending you an invoice for now. :3
NNNNOOOOOO........I can't get there until at least 6. Gonna hope that Simba makes it until then, but he probably won't. Dangit I hate these midday-flips!

Will start making the new lists.
NNNNOOOOOO........I can't get there until at least 6. Gonna hope that Simba makes it until then, but he probably won't. Dangit I hate these midday-flips!

Will start making the new lists.

I can tell (from the other side of the country) that you don't look well. You should go home and rest. After you stop at DSF. Ha. Fingers crossed for you!!!
I'll try for the Flik and Simba (not that Simba will make it far, but you never know!) Thanks! :)

Also, I'll echo Alice's sentiment: there's a flu just going around. Lucky for you it's only a 12 hour bug.
I would like to be on the list for the Simba and Flit PTDs. So I guess you can wait to invoice/ship Grandma Fa until you do those drawings, if that works for you. Thank you so much, I am very excited about getting a Grandma Fa!