DSF At-Cost Pickups
FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! THANK THE MAKER! You guys don't even know....I don't have internet while I'm at DSF, so I couldn't see the Facebook post when DSF put it up at 10:30. But right at 10:30, I heard voices piping up all around me saying his name. And I proceeded to have an internal meltdown for a bit.
Tony, one of the managers, looked at me as he was handing out the order forms and asked jokingly if I was going to pass him up. And a few of the employees inside got really excited when they saw me. I think DSF kinda knows how much of an Inside Out freak I am. (One of them even remembered when I came to a Breakfast with Joy event there dressed as Bing Bong.)
And now I can stop stressing about missing him during a flip when I can't get there. (And only have to worry about Joy, Fear, Disgust, Riley, Rainbow Unicorn, Jangles, Riley's parents, Riley's teacher, the mind workers, Dave, Frank, Meg, the Brazilian helicopter pilot, the Yeast of Eden employee, the cool girls in Riley's class, the Tripledent Gum people, etc...hahaha!)
Oh, you beautiful cinnamon roll. Too good and too pure for this world. <3
Ok, now on to business stuffs:
I got Bing Bong and Cleo for myself, and they already sold out, so no pickups for those, I'm afraid. But I compiled the list for Franny, and will do a pickup run tomorrow. It was pretty chaotic there and I was in a rush to get to a meetup at a friend's house after the release, so I didn't get any of the chess pieces today (I had to exchange most of them on Friday so I want to get them when I have time to look them over carefully), but I'll get another set of those tomorrow, too.