DSF Line UPDATE! 1/30/13
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I need the 17 that got kicked out to personally PM me. If you know them have them PM me.
I need the 17 that got kicked out to personally PM me. If you know them have them PM me.
I need the 17 that got kicked out to personally PM me. If you know them have them PM me.
I need the 17 that got kicked out to personally PM me. If you know them have them PM me.
You're right! It didn't get closed yet!!! Quick everyone, post things before the thread does get closed!!!
jkjkjk That gif is way too perfect for DSF release threads xD
I need the 17 that got kicked out to personally PM me. If you know them have them PM me.
You're right! It didn't get closed yet!!! Quick everyone, post things before the thread does get closed!!!
jkjkjk That gif is way too perfect for DSF release threads xD
...I'm confused. So, people qued for 3 days to get a wristband and then they DIDN'T get the pins? @_@ Why/how has this happened?
If you weren't in line by 9:30 you weren't allowed back in your spot. So if you were #1 and you got there at 9:31 you had to go to the back of the line
If you weren't in line by 9:30 you weren't allowed back in your spot. So if you were #1 and you got there at 9:31 you had to go to the back of the line
YEEEEAH Ali G!! This had me busting up laughing!!!
The best was when he was interviewing Buzz Aldrin and he kept calling him "My boy Buzz Lightyear"
So... The one consistent rule is now being questioned? This place is funny. People line up hours and hours before the band distribution and then can't manage to be early for a final line up time that was told to each and every band recipient? Blame the people who blew it at zero hour; not DSF for enforcing a long standing rule.
Not sure if this was directed at me, but just so you know, I live in the UK and therefore have no idea how DSF wristbands/pin distribution/etc actually works. I assumed that as long as you had a wristband, you had the right to buy the pins. I had no idea that you had to be in a specific order for a specific time. So yeah, to me, it does sound very harsh that a person who is 1 minute late is unable to buy their pins. What if someone had a good, genuine reason for being late? Why can't exceptions be made in exceptional circumstances?So... The one consistent rule is now being questioned? This place is funny. People line up hours and hours before the band distribution and then can't manage to be early for a final line up time that was told to each and every band recipient? Blame the people who blew it at zero hour; not DSF for enforcing a long standing rule.
I was worried because 9:30 was coming around but Jordan wanted to go play with the girls he befriended, I wouldn't let him because I herd if you missed your spot, your loss, and I herd it happened, I was shocked. When I was picking out my pins at the register, one employee was on the phone talking to someone, she repeated what they said, all I caught was, they had thier bracelets but stepped out of line? who-ever that was I think they missed getting thier pins and was calling to complain. wow so strict.
As long as only 1 wristband was issued, it's not really a problem. Only one spot was given out, if you've got a friend willing to stand there in line for nothing just so you don't have to, congrats for you...
I've seen husbands stand in line for wives before, and when wife shows up, he makes clear she's the only one getting the wristband, and when they reach the wristband person, only one of them got one. Doesn't change my place in line, so it really doesn't matter that much I don't think...