Your Thoughts Needed on Threads/Drama
yOU ARE right my fellow princess i rather see hot sexy pins and hot pieces of meat.
There ya go Eric!!!!
yOU ARE right my fellow princess i rather see hot sexy pins and hot pieces of meat.
i feel like we don't have a right to force pre-sellers to stop sales on the forum, what are we like what .10% of pin sales? it won't fix anything we should just learn to just say no. its like SF they took happy meals toys away from all the kids because a few are fat. why punish everyone its not fair to everyone.
I like what I read earlier about only paying when goods are in hands of pre-sellers as a way of dealing with the rising amounts of people doing it. I did one pre-sale during the jessica release and one trade both for out of state people only. On the pre-sale i did not give out paypal info until pins were in hand. If people continue to buy from pre-sellers, then this is how it should be done. Buyers should insist on it as a whole. That is their only form of protection right now in this forum.
More than likely, a preseller on here is just trying to make more money by avoiding eBay fees. Just because they are on this forum doesn't mean they are above eBay. Most probably have them listed in both places and just hope they sell here. Often they list the same price and hope someone, maybe you, will just pay them and they can save their 10%. Presellers are trying to get more money and get ahead of the game. They know if everyone waits until the pins are in hand that the prices drop quickly as people are trying to sell theirs first to get their money. Pins lately have sold high, then drop pretty quick after release, and then slowly rise. It's your money, do as you wish. But take a step outside yourself for a minute and see the macroeconomics of the situation. You'll save money and create less hype.
The first pin I remember that were presold and created tons of hype was the Brave marquee. Selling for $85-$90 a few weeks before release. It was the first new Pixar film (not a sequel) since Up and the first Pixar Princess ever and first princess since Tangled which we all know was and is super hot. I'm sure you can find the threads about those presales. I know preselling is older than that, pretrading even older. But the rampant preselling level we see now is newer. Brave was an opportunity for newer traders to be completionists for a movie/princess/genre. Many of you are or aspire to be. But that release was turned up a notch thanks to the buzz generated by the $85 marquee sales before the release. Presales create hype. They make people fearful if they don't go super early they can't get their pins because they would be priced out of their range. They draw attention to greedy profiteers. They create unfomfortable situations of waiting and anxiety. Just say "No" to presales!!
I'd sign your pledge!
But then sometimes the release isn't as popular as expected so you have people backing out leaving the person who bought them with pins that they paid for out of pocket. This has happened to me before and I was picking the pins up at cost.
Wrong! I have never sold a pin
Another valid arguement as to why not have pre-sales at all here!! there is also the option of bad feedback!
But then sometimes the release isn't as popular as expected so you have people backing out leaving the person who bought them with pins that they paid for out of pocket. This has happened to me before and I was picking the pins up at cost.
The forum owner/mods have the right to do whateve they want. They can even post your PM's in the open if they chose to. What you do here you accepted as their domain. They can certainly ban presales or ban paypal as gift. Which many other forums I am on have already done. Other forums I am on, not pin related, would not allow presales, paypal as gift, multiple sale threads at one time, bumping your own thread, not deletign your old thread, or offering more than a certain number of items. DPF does have it right that you have to post a price. That at least is good. They also make you have so many posts, that is good and weeds out the trolls, like the wreck-it guy a few weeks ago.
You may be the .10% that presells at a reasonable price and is trustworthy. But many are not and the sale forum just draws the people here as another avenue to sell and not have to pay eBay. eBay can afford all the checks and security to weed out trolls. They also protect buyers, sometimes annoyingly. But DPF can't police it all. DPF should help protect its members with better rules (which should include no paypal as gift at a minimum.) We don't need to attract those people, they are the ones that cause the drama. They don't get pin trading, they don't care about pin trading. They just want to sell and flip for money.
Maybe there needs to be a distinction between presales where the seller is making a profit vs those picking up pins at cost as a favor?
Im all for allowing all of the stuff to continue. It shouldn't matter so what if it create problems . I just hope in the long run soda fountain doesn't have anything eles happen like a riot or knifes pulled out at people in line. This past weekend I was gone to be jumped and few release before a homeless came in the morning a pulled a knife on me. all this needs to stop. continue with the presale sale thread and post about releases at wdi, dlr/ wdw. all should be known. this called freedom of speech and also we should allowed to say what else we like maybe instead of pins.
From what I've seen of some of the drama in the release threads, there is a lot of personal dislike that bleeds into things. There's a lot of history at these things, and a lot of conflicting personalities when we bring the face-to-face trading into it. So a lot of it seems to bleed in from more than just internet interaction.
I also see a lot of people who think they're funny, and try to either stir it up intentionally, or bomb the threads in an attempt to get it shut down. When people start taunting others with things like gifs and memes (taunting, not using them for fun reactions), then you should handle it the way you handle any troll. Just ignore them. If they're sitting there, excited to see what kind of response they'll get, then nothing will annoy and bore them more than getting nothing.
I know that's counter-intuitive for a lot of people, the need to defend themselves or others strong. But if you know the person is just trolling, then nothing you can say to them will matter anyway, so don't give them what they want.
Other than the obvious trolling, I'm not sure you can completely wipe out drama- it's just a natural human condition. I tend to balk more at being censored. Obviously, stuff needs to be shut down if it gets out of control. But banning types of threads seems a bit much.
The idea of a rants/venting board is still something we can consider. Would it actually allow drama to fester, encourage it? I dunno- but if people keep going off anyway, at least it will be contained to one area so others don't have to see it...
How did you get that I said you sold one? I was referring to you admittedly buying the presales.
So personally I think they should stay but maybe be moved onto a sub forum with a higher post count requirement than the regular sales thread.
The streets of DPF were empty as I walked along them, on that chilly, wet night. Light drops of rain fell on my tattered trenchcoat. There were things on my mind, things I just couldn't figure out. Why was there so much thievery in this god-forsaken forum? I oughta give these wiseguys a taste of their own medicine, but they deserve much worse.
I spotted a familiar man walking the streets in front of me. My hand went to my hip, feeling the cool handle of my revolver. Walking the streets for a good pin deal was dangerous enough, but with this civil war going on anyone could be as good as banned for life. He was walking slowly, letting his back take the brute force of the quickly escalating rain. I let him think he was alone until I got within 5 feet of him.
"Ain't no mods gonna help you this time kid", I muttered.
3) Second accounts, this just has to stop. Mods should just ban users that do this both the fake account and there real one. In all the IP address if it could be done.
If presales are banned should want threads for unreleased pins also be banned?
i second that!No, but pre-selling of unannounced *made up* pins should be banned.
*Continues to post about Brave Beloved tales, and how I want it*